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Mission Complete Welcom13
It all started with a dream, it then became a prophecy and today it is a legacy. When the sage of the sixth path discovered ninjutsu, a curse was unleashed in this world. The Sage of the sixth path then had a dream to restore peace and give sanctuary to this cursed world. He died and the dream to restore peace became a prophecy. A Old toad once said as he looks at his crystal orb, " One day two child will meet each other this Childs are the Childs of prophecy " they will be the one to restore peace. The old sage also had said that the Sannin with white hair would travel around the world in search of peace. He was correct he found one of the child from the prophecy his name was nagato. Years later the second child of the prophecy was found his name was naruto uzmaki. Both had a dream that became prophecy, Their goal and only dream was to restore peace. Nagato believed peace could be found by pain, he believed that he could restore peace by controlling people with pain and soon peace would be restore and the people would even adapt to the pain and soon the world would be a peaceful place. It was the death of yahiko and his parent that change his heart his heart was cover in darkness and in pain. In the other hand the second child naruto uzumaki believed peace could be found if people could understand each other, he fallow the prophecy of his sensei the sannin with white hair Jiraiya. On one unlucky day the leaf village was attack by Nagato, and completely destroy both child fought in this battle field and nagato 6 body of pain were destroy by Naruto, once they had met face to face naruto believes to obtain peace change nagato allowing him to restore peace, doing so nagato sacrifice his life to restore the life of all the people he killed in that very day and moment. It was not soon that this prophecy became a Legacy pass from generation to generation and today peace is yet to be found is naruto the hero of this world or will this legacy continue or will you rest on the hands of Naruto Uzumaki. -The only way to restore peace is for everyone to understand each other - Will the legacy of darkness ever end? Will you be the one to find peace? Is the only way to restore peace is to kill all the standing member of Akatsuki and recover the tailed beast placing them once again in the hands of good? You be the judge, write your own destiny. Good or Evil, you be the judge!
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PostSubject: Mission Complete   Mission Complete Icon_minitimeTue Nov 09, 2010 12:54 pm

Name of Mission: Desire for low power
Village Kage/Mission Dealer: Mission Master
Mission Rank: D
Mission Credits: 100 Points
Mission Details In order to increase your power you must train with one B ranked Jutsu. Document the training (Link me for payment)
Word Post Limit Must post atleast twice and 500 Words per post with someone else or if solo must post 1000 words.

Kai Inuzuka and his companion toru were taking a stroll in the outskirts of konoha, There old home, The lush green fields were magical, They would have returned years ago, Had they not been convinced not to, Konoha abandoned them, they were left to die at the hands of a madman, His parents hadnt cared they had a daughter, His sister who used to love him so much, No, They werent his family anymore they were his enemies, The garbage of the shinobi world, Well he was'nt going to stand for it, he was going to cleanse the world of konoha, Destroy the village, Turn it to rubble, and he would not rest until he heard every ninja and villagers dying scream, The thought of this brought a tear to his eyes, Sick tho it was it was his revenge, Having been tortured, To see his best friend in pain being beaten and teased, All the while his friends and family were dining at there table eating being happy, while he was forced to beg for food, It was disgusting to think of it this way but the truth was the truth, Sighing softly kai began to turn his back upon his village when he heard a shout, He turned only to come face to face with someone who he had previously mentioned,

"Kai that you"

Kai did not speak as a young pup barked up, Kai did not take his eyes of the person who had caught him walkign away,


Kai spoke tho his tone was'nt happy, He had came face to face with his sister and her partner Aya, This would be the day she died, Kai didnt exchange words with her any more, He didnt speak to Toru who felt like he did, Both instead ran toward's the female, Toru jumped from his head and rotated, Buffy knew what was going on and Aya copied Toru's movements, Kai and Buffy both followed hot on the pups tracks rotating in to the piercing fang technique, All four connected with the target, Now in a power struggle, It was clear Buffy had trained and became a proper young Kunoichi, tho she was only a genin like kai, The pushign of the attacks powere donwards but no side budged, Until finnally the pushed each other apart forcing both parties to slide across the ground away from one another,

Quickly the Inuzuka fighters and there pups steadied themselves, They had been given a mission to learn a jutsu by a man who claims to be a missions master whatever taht was, Now they would have to put that on hold, They had been practicisng a b ranked technique for weeks now but it was'nt gonna work, Sighing to himself he looked towards his sister, she noticeed the headband upon his head was indeed scratched, With no more words spoken both ninja placed themselves on all four's, They began to activate a technique known as the four legs technique which ightens all of the senses inluding reflexes, Both inuzuka's canine teeth grew larger along with there nails, There eyes became more slit like and soon enough both were charging towards the other at high speed, Buffy lunged towards Kai who slid under her recovering easily he turned smirking,

Toru on the other hand was fighting Ana bite after bite claw after claw,

Both inuzuka once more charged this time they jumped into the air rotating into the piercing fang once more, this time they flew through the air ziga zagging, Trying to get the other on the side were they would be weakest, Tho this was trickier than it looked, Both had trained with the piercing fang technique and were able to manouvre perfectly around each other, Soon enough the flew to the earth and skidded to a stop, What were they going to do, Handseals were formed as Kai flew into the ground using the hiding like a mole technique, He buried through the earth sensing were his sister was thanks to the electromagnetic pulses, She was running towards the dogs, Activating his Submarine voyage technique he swam through the earth like it was water racing her towards them, As he got to her feet he activated his last earth technique, this technique allowed Kai to reach up and grab his sister's ankles, He pulled her to through the ground until only her head was showing, Kai pulled himself out of the earth looking at his sister, Only to find that she had replaced herself with a log, A quick sniff of the air told him were she was, A quick backflip and she zoomed down holding a kunai, If he had not sensed her he would be dead, A slow sigh escaped his lips as he took his stance once more, They would not win like this, Using his speed he turned and grabbed his puppy who growled at him, They both turned once more skidding on the ground before charging towards his sister and her pup, they both rotated but this time they werent going to play dumb, Toru launched himself from his arms and rotated as did kai The four piercing fangs connected tho this time two people were beaten, Kai was beat by buffy yet toru beat ana or so it seemed, As the piercing fangs ended ana and Toru skidded across the ground, Kai turned and bolted towards his puppy who was struggling to get up, Tho it was different for Ana who was not getting up, and no longer breathing, A loud growl echoed through the sky as Buffy faced her brother

"You Killed Her You Bastard"

Buffy's anger was released she charged at the two, Her speed had increased tho Kai had no idea how, Soon enough he felt her hit his gut sending him to the ground, He was about to be crushed by her foot when something connected with buffy's gut, A piercing fang, Toru landed perfectly as Buffy flew through the air, The piercing fang technique certainly was amazing,

Kai got to his feet unsteady at first but managed to find his balance, with a slow smile creeping on his lips at the state of his sister's face, She wa sugly covered in blood and tears it was perfect revenge has never tasted so sweet,Kai removed a kunai from his pouch and launched it at his sister, this kunai had a paper bomb attatched to it, As he threw the paper bomb and kunai it exploded halfway, Tho she got there first, She had used his plan, Buffy shot from the smoke in piercing fang mode aiming straight for the Inuzuka, Quickly Kai and Toru jumped out the way, Devious bitch thought kai as her technique came back around, Kai jumped into action and blasted out his own piercing fang connecting hard with his sister causing both once more to fall to the ground panting heavy, They were having a good fight, But Kai was onyl interested in seeing the blood pour from her face, He licked his lips tasting his own blood, she had scratched his face, Kai growled softly his anger got the best of him but toru managed to stop him from going into a frenzy, Maybe it was time they brought out the technique they were training, Quickly Kai formed a handseal, A blast of chakra engulfed them followed my a massive amount of white smoke which flew high into the sky taller than the tree's, A large white tailed blasted from the smoke followed by four giant paw's, the giant body was next followed by two large gigantic heads, Kai and Toru had become one, They were giant, pure blue, There paws caused the ground to shake and soon enough they moved quickly there massive claws swiped at Buffy causing her to scream out in pain the power was overwhelming and she was done, With one swipe of the claw she was no longer whole but in two, Blood splurtted from her lifeless body as kai and toru split, No words were said, Except one this was said as they walked away not caring about the genin who had died

"Good work toru"

The inuzuka walked away heading to the mission master for his reward
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