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Sunagakure Training Grounds Welcom12

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Sunagakure Training Grounds Welcom13
It all started with a dream, it then became a prophecy and today it is a legacy. When the sage of the sixth path discovered ninjutsu, a curse was unleashed in this world. The Sage of the sixth path then had a dream to restore peace and give sanctuary to this cursed world. He died and the dream to restore peace became a prophecy. A Old toad once said as he looks at his crystal orb, " One day two child will meet each other this Childs are the Childs of prophecy " they will be the one to restore peace. The old sage also had said that the Sannin with white hair would travel around the world in search of peace. He was correct he found one of the child from the prophecy his name was nagato. Years later the second child of the prophecy was found his name was naruto uzmaki. Both had a dream that became prophecy, Their goal and only dream was to restore peace. Nagato believed peace could be found by pain, he believed that he could restore peace by controlling people with pain and soon peace would be restore and the people would even adapt to the pain and soon the world would be a peaceful place. It was the death of yahiko and his parent that change his heart his heart was cover in darkness and in pain. In the other hand the second child naruto uzumaki believed peace could be found if people could understand each other, he fallow the prophecy of his sensei the sannin with white hair Jiraiya. On one unlucky day the leaf village was attack by Nagato, and completely destroy both child fought in this battle field and nagato 6 body of pain were destroy by Naruto, once they had met face to face naruto believes to obtain peace change nagato allowing him to restore peace, doing so nagato sacrifice his life to restore the life of all the people he killed in that very day and moment. It was not soon that this prophecy became a Legacy pass from generation to generation and today peace is yet to be found is naruto the hero of this world or will this legacy continue or will you rest on the hands of Naruto Uzumaki. -The only way to restore peace is for everyone to understand each other - Will the legacy of darkness ever end? Will you be the one to find peace? Is the only way to restore peace is to kill all the standing member of Akatsuki and recover the tailed beast placing them once again in the hands of good? You be the judge, write your own destiny. Good or Evil, you be the judge!
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 Sunagakure Training Grounds

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PostSubject: Sunagakure Training Grounds   Sunagakure Training Grounds Icon_minitimeSun Dec 19, 2010 7:51 am


Ace a very witting fellow grew rather bored , most of his documentations and paper work where already finished . He had yet to complete his latest project Labeled "Let War Begin " in his journal . The book of a great ninja , recorded events ever since Ace's birth . Ace decided that he would now put forth the effort to make his village stronger . The Up coming chuunin exams is what he looked upond , he decided to assemble all of his Genin in order to train them at once . He grew rather tired of the lack of events around the world daily. Tough he loved war , he felt as if it is not the time to start war because his Economy was flourishing . Also the Citizen's moral and faith in the new Kazekage where becoming indefinant. Ace resided to think that during this time , he should take it and try to become allies with neighboring states. He where in a rather good mood . He came down from his Kage Mansion and into a traning dojo , where he would wait patiently for his students. But while waiting he took the time to Spar , taijutsu only with one of his jounin. The Kazekage would punch and kick him usually overpowering the jounin in every way , shape , and form. The Kazekage was rather skilled in Taijutsu , but that wasn't his strong point.His strong point was Ninjutsu , The ablity to use chakra to do stuff that he normally couldn't. Ace hadn't even took a hit he would just repeatitly over power the jounin , Ace smirked "You need to get stronger..Thats our only chance , I cant risk having weak ninja running about thinking that they are needed. I wil easilly dispose of the week if I have to. So , im deranking you to Chuunin. Enjoy Because you whon't be jounin anytime soon until you become stronger." Ace turned his back ,some people around him thought he was being kinda harsh . Ace decided to go change his cloths to his battle gear , withen moments he went back to his mansion and got a new set of cloths . Wearing A Anbu Black Ops mask , and A Jounin Vest . With a symbol that represented Kage on the back of it. His Long flowing hair going down to about the center of his back . He was rather happy and quickly went back to the dojo as he awaited his students. He drew bored once again , The area had a few training log's , some targets for target practice . A medical booth for any major wounds , and it also had a pool for water based jutsu. The Facility also had some grassy plains for Anything , to hang out , train , spar , ect. Ace would sit down in a chair and order some Ramen from the counter . The Person noticing it was the kage got a quick order of Vegetable Ramem cooked up nice and hot. Ace grabbed a fork , and dove it into his bowl . When in twirled the noodles up on his fork then quickly eating them . He repeated the process till it was all gone then placed the dish on the counter.

Alright , ive grew tired of waiting . When are they coming ? Are they coming at all? Or do I have to go kill some genin for them to notice?Or better yet murder their families. Well , im rather impaitent so if they dont hurry up I will leave. He thought to himself while he where sitting . He was bored yet again , nothing for him to do but sit and watch. Every now and then he would see a jounin ranked ninja fight in front of them to prove their worth , and not one of them impressed him. He knew that ninja these days wheren't being trained like they used to. With no mercy , but now the ninja world has to much Sympathy . You have to worry about people getting killed or what not , Hell you even have to worry about the elite ninja getting killed . But their was just to much acceptance and Smiling , and Laughter , and not enough blood , gore and violance . Ace's smirk quickly vanished as he looked out at the people before him rather dissappointed. Rather angry that his current ninja sucked . Now he had to look forward to strangthining them . Though Sunagakure has some of the best Millitary forces in the world . His regualar ninja sucked . He woud have to work on improving that in the near future . But he musn't forget the task at hand , to prepare these Genin for the time of their life. To make sure that a Sunagakure Team wins the Chuunin exams , by a land slide . Enough to give him bragging rights for training them. The reason the Kazekage would train genin is because , he really didn't have much else to do in his busy schedule. He had completed his paperwork , His worries has been illuminated. He had very little todo. So thisis why he had decided to do the task at hand. He needed to make his ninja stronger ,and to guarntee that he would have to Make sure that every ninja that came out of Sunagakure have natrual talent. Then Ace had thought , he had completly forgot about the Past Kazekage , the guy who had put Sunagakure into this situation. Being so lazy and not helping the village at all. What was his name ? Amechi or something? He remembered his fast paced death , the way he died was rather quick. But it would seem since then Sunagakure has adjusted. Ace pulled out his journal and a black ink pen , he began to write about his thoughts and his life thus far , most of it was prior knowlage. He had all kinds of Documentations in the book . Some contained the secrets for Hidden Jutsu that only he knew. Clan secerts, Family Secrets , all kinds . Thats why he never let anyone get hold of his book. A biography about his life. He put it away and noticed that no one had showed up yet and got up from his seat and stood their waiting.
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PostSubject: Re: Sunagakure Training Grounds   Sunagakure Training Grounds Icon_minitimeWed Dec 22, 2010 1:11 pm

shoto was running late, he lost track of time and completely forgot the chunin exam practice was starting today you would of thought he would have remembered,due to all the commotion in the village, but no, he fully forgot they were today. the only way he remembered was because he was at a ramen shack, when the cook said " arent you posed to be practicing for the chunin exams", shoto looked up from his bowl of ramen and said with a pale face "oh,today"? shoto jumped up ,dropped some ryo on the table , and took of running twards his house. he burst through the door and sprinted up stairs and opened one of his holding dolls and threw it on the bed he threw all his shurikens inside and ran back to his dresser and took the senbon from the top droor were he kept his traveling supplies, he threw the senbon inside the doll as well, he then ran to the closet and grabed his stack of dolls and the wrap from the ground with one hand then he quickly went back to the bed and picked up his holding doll with the other hand, he closed the lid with his thumb and put it in his top left coat pocket while sprinting through the front door. he was running through the village as fast as he could twards the chunin examination, he was already behind by atleast a half an hour. he quickly grabbed the wrap that was around his arm that he had got from his closet and started wraping his dolls, while he was running and dodging the bustling of the village. it wasnt a exellent hold but the wrap would stay until he got to the exams, he threw the dolls over his back, and quickly tightened the wrap on his chest, just as he was looking up from tightening the wrap a man about 5"4 walked right in his path, the man did not see the speeding boy, there fore shoto leaped from the ground and cleared everything but his hat, wich fell into the dirt. "HEY" the man said with a angry voice. "sorry, im late for the exams" shoto yelled back. shoto now had all his attention in front of him, watching everything pass by him, then another horrifying thought came to mind " oh no, ace is gunna be there waiting, and he is gunna be so disipointed" he said while looking at the trees aproaching him, shoto thought how dissipointed he was in himself "i have never let down my comrads before, until now that is" shoto was wondering how angry ace would be. "this will never happen again" he said while redirecting his attention to his path leading to the exams. soon enough the building in wich the exams were held was in shotos sight, he emmediatly took of at full speed and in a few minutes he was at the front door. he paced back and forth in front of the door to catch his breath, he didnt want to come in all worn out, he wanted to look punctual,but he was already late, so that was out of the question. he finally pushed the doors aside and entered the building, there standing by a ramen counter, was ace. shoto walked over slowly to make sure ace new he was humble and sorry for being late. "how long have i made you wait" shoto said while looking at the ground in sorrow.
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PostSubject: Re: Sunagakure Training Grounds   Sunagakure Training Grounds Icon_minitimeThu Dec 23, 2010 12:49 am

opening his eyes early on an after noon kichi woke up thinking it was still morning. As kichi looked at the clock and realized what time it was on the clock. soon as kichi knew what time it was panicing be cause he was late for chunnin exam practices. rushing his self kichi quickly opened the window to let light in the room. he glanced out and down and saw Shoto run by with all of his stuff on "looks like im not the only one whos late" kichi chuckled to himself. Turned around quickly and got all of his clothes one and weapons. Stoped in the puppet room and grabed his copycat puppet then is quickly out the door. Trying to find where shoto went kichi quickly followed witch way a kid had said he went. when kichi finally cought up so he could see shoto he was walking in to the training ground. kichi quick ran in to the door out of breath he entered seeing shoto talking to the kazekage. kichi walked up and said " hey sorry im late woke up to late alarm clock didn't go off" while trying to catching his breath.
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PostSubject: Re: Sunagakure Training Grounds   Sunagakure Training Grounds Icon_minitimeThu Dec 23, 2010 7:13 am

Ace would observe the two Genin , not answering any of them. How Rude. Late , goddamn dosn't anyone know the time around here? It's Hot at day and cold a night..How could a ninja easily forget a time of day? Consequences. " Well , for one your both late. You made me wait for hours . It makes me wounder , should I even train you? If as a ninja , in the ninja world you can't be late. Your Consequence is 400 Push ups..Get to work...!" He said not really giving a care , it was a direct order by the kazekage. Ace sat back down and closed his eyes " Ugh..Genin these days , so Impotent" he whispered to himself. Then he decided to speak again " Also , im naming this team . The Team name will be Late Squad , for your tardiness " Ace said this with no hesitation. He needed disiplanary actions to be under taken. He had no choice but to be harsh on them , they where late . He hated to wait for such a long time. To past some time he pulled a copy of his favorite Magazine out and started to read it.Interesting......
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