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Simple Stat System ! Welcom12

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Simple Stat System ! Welcom13
It all started with a dream, it then became a prophecy and today it is a legacy. When the sage of the sixth path discovered ninjutsu, a curse was unleashed in this world. The Sage of the sixth path then had a dream to restore peace and give sanctuary to this cursed world. He died and the dream to restore peace became a prophecy. A Old toad once said as he looks at his crystal orb, " One day two child will meet each other this Childs are the Childs of prophecy " they will be the one to restore peace. The old sage also had said that the Sannin with white hair would travel around the world in search of peace. He was correct he found one of the child from the prophecy his name was nagato. Years later the second child of the prophecy was found his name was naruto uzmaki. Both had a dream that became prophecy, Their goal and only dream was to restore peace. Nagato believed peace could be found by pain, he believed that he could restore peace by controlling people with pain and soon peace would be restore and the people would even adapt to the pain and soon the world would be a peaceful place. It was the death of yahiko and his parent that change his heart his heart was cover in darkness and in pain. In the other hand the second child naruto uzumaki believed peace could be found if people could understand each other, he fallow the prophecy of his sensei the sannin with white hair Jiraiya. On one unlucky day the leaf village was attack by Nagato, and completely destroy both child fought in this battle field and nagato 6 body of pain were destroy by Naruto, once they had met face to face naruto believes to obtain peace change nagato allowing him to restore peace, doing so nagato sacrifice his life to restore the life of all the people he killed in that very day and moment. It was not soon that this prophecy became a Legacy pass from generation to generation and today peace is yet to be found is naruto the hero of this world or will this legacy continue or will you rest on the hands of Naruto Uzumaki. -The only way to restore peace is for everyone to understand each other - Will the legacy of darkness ever end? Will you be the one to find peace? Is the only way to restore peace is to kill all the standing member of Akatsuki and recover the tailed beast placing them once again in the hands of good? You be the judge, write your own destiny. Good or Evil, you be the judge!
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PostSubject: Simple Stat System !   Simple Stat System ! Icon_minitimeWed Dec 15, 2010 10:16 pm

I know we all don't like the complex math systems therefore we all say we hate stats system however here on Naruto Land we manage to create something new and most likely you will like it. First of all no math will be involve though you may need some basic math skills such as been able to click a calculator button only once and that is it yes you heard correctly you will only do the math once or twice every time you rank up you change your stat that's the only time you have to go and edit them as for battles you don't need to worry because with our five magical list you will understand how it all works. We have five stats strength, Speed, Defense, Intelligence, and Luck.

1. Strength: Simply it shows you are stronger than others at close hand to hand battles meaning in an RP post those whose strength is greater would win in this field for example.

A kid punches you, you laugh thinking his weak however that kid happens to be rock lee your only an average adult guest what you go flying in the air, also something to keep in mind is possible to say " I punch you" and not " I aim to punch" you if you know your strength is greater than your opponent however I do not suggest such skills reason is they may have a great defense if not then yes, Also keep in mind please don't break any rules!

2. Speed: Your always the first to attack, your jutsu and hand seals are quicker allowing your jutsu to always be in the lead as well as been able to out-speed your opponent when "Running" or doing "Hand Seals".

3. Defense:Determines how well you can take a hit the greater your defense the better endurance you have keep in mind those whose defense are great enough can even defend against a jutsu head on however not an S-rank or A-rank jutsu possibly a C-rank jutsu or below.

4. Intelligence: Can out smart other such as been able to easily create strategies the average ninja can't as well as been able to escape genjutsu easier.

5. luck: have you ever rolled a dice then you are probably lucky those with great luck will not only have the luck to be critical and have great accuracy but to win ryo type ninja land games.

How Does your stat number work ?
Is actually very simple you have the choice of the type of stats you would like to have I’m sure your asking yourself do I need to work for the stats or are they mines the answer is no you don't work for them but is actually a bit tricky because to rank up your actually working so the solid and actual answer is yes you work for it however you don't even notice it, therefore every time you rank up you can add, decrease your stats though once you have edited them once you can't edit them twice it would not be fair.

Read carefully, simply you edit your stats the following way let's say you have 5 stats then simply you add stats to each different stats ill give you an example.

Mr. Rainbow had just become a genin he now has 5 stats he simply goes to his profile and gives speed +1 stat, then he gives strength the same stat and then all the other stat the same soon he had 0 stat point and his stats looked like this.

Mr. Blazer just adds all his stat to strength and did not want to add anything to the others.

Quote :
One day MR. rainbow and Mr. blazer had a battle however Mr.blazer had hit Mr.rainbow therefore he was badly injured because of his strength Mr.rainbow in the other hand had 1 defense stat allowing him to live but yet his badly hurt he then attack using a combo of all his stats.... and so on thats how it works.

See how it works now you give it a try but before you get creative you need to know the limit number for a certain stat is 6 no stat should have more than 6 stat points. For example Luck should not be more than 6 it can be 6 or lower but not 6 or more. You can now get creative also we made it realistic the stat system is much like the one used in the show, anyhow to edit or create your stats come here Click Here make sure to follow the Template
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PostSubject: Re: Simple Stat System !   Simple Stat System ! Icon_minitimeThu Dec 16, 2010 9:01 am

Other Examples
I was thinking that I should give an example differently from the above one, such as showing how the stat will change when you rank up because it can be a bit confusing but if you read the following it will be plain and easy nevertheless enjoy the example.

Mrs.Rin has just become a chuunin in the chuunin exams she was pleased with her new skills therefore she decided to edit her stats he used to have 5 however a chuunin has 10 stats and not 5 stats therefore you remove all the genin stat and you edit your stats with the 10 current one reason is that 10+5 is 15 and would give you an unfair number of stats for your rank so is not 5 plus 10 is simply 10 stats point. Below you will see how Mrs.Rin stats look like.

Those stats are equal to 10 not 15.
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PostSubject: Re: Simple Stat System !   Simple Stat System ! Icon_minitimeFri Dec 17, 2010 9:40 pm

Explaining The Stats In Detail

Strength: Let me explain just how strong you are remember the limit is six stat point so I will explain each stat point, simply it will tell you just what kind of power you get.

1 stat in strength: The basic stats you can have, in fight it won’t due any critical damage it will just deal small amount of damage on the foe.

2 Stat in Strength: The user will slightly be stronger been able to deal more damage on the opponent but yet not strong enough to break bones or anything.

3 Stat in strength: The user will have flourish in strength by now the user is strong enough to break bones; the user strength is well balanced at this point.

4 Stat in strength: The user will be very powerful enough to break solid rocks, bones or even deal internal damage but not strong enough to kill.

5 stat in strength: The user is very strong they can fight just using hand to hand combat but the user still needs a bit more strength to actually be able to kill a person only using strength.

6 stat in strength: The user is extremely power a simply blow would shatter a large rock however is possible to baldly hurt a person even to the point to been able to kill a person but is rare.

Speed:Allow me to explain each stat that involves speed.
1 stat in speed: The user is not quick or fast just a bit swift with his/her movements.

2 stat in speed: The user speed flourish but is not amazing however the user is quite swift by now.

3 Stat in speed: The user has balanced out speed and is quite fast and swift as well as sharp with his movements like hand seals and body movements.

4 Stat in speed: A high level stat which gives great speed.

5 stat in speed: Gives the user blinding speed meaning it’s hard for the foe to even be able to see the user movements.

6 Stat in speed: The user moves so fast, his/her movements are so quick is blinding to the naked eye.

Defense: Defense plays a big role in the user health and resistance such as endurance and other things that increase you surviving efforts in battles.

1 stat in defense: The user defense is average and a strong hit can knock the user.

2 stat in defense: The user defense is a bit better yet not good enough but can defend the user against some weak hits.

3 stat in defense: The user defense is enchanted is quite good to defend against strong blows but is yet not a great defense.

4 stat in defense: The user defense is very strong can be compare to the shell of a turtle the user can defend against most things and has great endurance and well balanced resistance.

5 stat in defense: The user defense is like a crystal, they can take a strong hit.

6 Stat in defense: The user is almost like a solid diamond their defense is great and can take varies hit sometime a regular punch won’t even deal any damage possibly even defense against a D or even a C-rank attack.

Some say the mind is the one thing that defines a ninja, intelligence is the greatest weapon a ninja can have.

1 Stat in intelligence: The user is not very sharp they can solve a minor situation but they are not very intelligent.

2 stat in intelligence: The user is a bit sharper but yet has a weak mind and can be fool by a genjutsu.

3 Stat in intelligence: The user mind grows but is still weak and can not block strong genjutsu.

4 stat in intelligence: The user mind is well balanced and can learn genjutsu with ease as well as been able to defense against them and create powerful strategies.

5 stat in intelligence: The user mind is strong and can block strong genjutsu illusion but is yet not capable of blocking all genjutsu or learning all sorts of genjutsu.

6 Stat in intelligence: The user mind is strong and can block a D-rank or C-rank technique without any effort the user becomes extremely sharp.

Luck: All ninja need luck sometime a ninjas luck is very important!

1 stat in luck: The user will miss sometime his/her luck is yet not that good.

2 stat in luck: The user will still miss but not as many times however the user luck is yet not to be used for earning ryo.

3 stat in luck: The user will not miss as many time the user luck is greater but yet not good enough to have perfect accuracy.

4 stat in luck: The user has very balanced stats and good stat the user has good accuracy but yet not perfect is possible for the user to earn ryo in gambling.

5 stat in luck: The user almost has perfect accuracy is possible for the user to even win the lottery but is rare.

6 stat in luck: The user very sharp accuracy almost perfect is rare for the user to ever miss and it said that user with this stat have won the lottery varies times.

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PostSubject: Re: Simple Stat System !   Simple Stat System ! Icon_minitimeFri Dec 17, 2010 9:54 pm

Other Stats
The final and last stats are the most simple and the easiest to understand, the reason why I added the extra stat is because many member suggested that we needed a way to earn more stat so I came with the following Idea. The other stats are ninjutsu, Taijutsu, and genjutsu simply you will have the opportunity to increase those stat in the forum I will tell you how. But before I start Let me make sure you understand the difference between the other stats and the main stats.

Never confuse taijutsu with strength, however is comment sense that a person with low taijutsu but high strength will be stronger in taijutsu than someone with low taijutsu and low strength simply strength and taijutsu are different but each other flourish each other the same thing happens with intelligence and genjutsu.

Their is no limit for this stats so you can keep increasing them and becoming stronger so if someone has 50 stat in taijutsu is common sense that they are taijutsu masters or not even someone with 80 stat in taijutsu would be amazing.

1. To earn more stat in the other stats simply Role play, and don't worry ways will be found I will post many missions that give stats as well as event contest and other things so don't worry about earning more, also remember to edit your stat sheet and add.


Those stats will be increased, but to get you started genin have 10 stat, chuunin 30 stat, Jounin 50 stat, Kage 80 you can use them as you like remember you don't get those number for each stat you split them for example a genin chooses to add 1 to taijutsu 5 to genjutsu and 4 to ninjutsu 4+1+5=10 I hope you understand.
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