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Chapter 1: Role Playing  Welcom12

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Chapter 1: Role Playing  Welcom12

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Chapter 1: Role Playing  Welcom13
It all started with a dream, it then became a prophecy and today it is a legacy. When the sage of the sixth path discovered ninjutsu, a curse was unleashed in this world. The Sage of the sixth path then had a dream to restore peace and give sanctuary to this cursed world. He died and the dream to restore peace became a prophecy. A Old toad once said as he looks at his crystal orb, " One day two child will meet each other this Childs are the Childs of prophecy " they will be the one to restore peace. The old sage also had said that the Sannin with white hair would travel around the world in search of peace. He was correct he found one of the child from the prophecy his name was nagato. Years later the second child of the prophecy was found his name was naruto uzmaki. Both had a dream that became prophecy, Their goal and only dream was to restore peace. Nagato believed peace could be found by pain, he believed that he could restore peace by controlling people with pain and soon peace would be restore and the people would even adapt to the pain and soon the world would be a peaceful place. It was the death of yahiko and his parent that change his heart his heart was cover in darkness and in pain. In the other hand the second child naruto uzumaki believed peace could be found if people could understand each other, he fallow the prophecy of his sensei the sannin with white hair Jiraiya. On one unlucky day the leaf village was attack by Nagato, and completely destroy both child fought in this battle field and nagato 6 body of pain were destroy by Naruto, once they had met face to face naruto believes to obtain peace change nagato allowing him to restore peace, doing so nagato sacrifice his life to restore the life of all the people he killed in that very day and moment. It was not soon that this prophecy became a Legacy pass from generation to generation and today peace is yet to be found is naruto the hero of this world or will this legacy continue or will you rest on the hands of Naruto Uzumaki. -The only way to restore peace is for everyone to understand each other - Will the legacy of darkness ever end? Will you be the one to find peace? Is the only way to restore peace is to kill all the standing member of Akatsuki and recover the tailed beast placing them once again in the hands of good? You be the judge, write your own destiny. Good or Evil, you be the judge!
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PostSubject: Chapter 1: Role Playing    Chapter 1: Role Playing  Icon_minitimeWed Dec 01, 2010 4:05 pm

Iron wrote:
Chapter 1: Trouble in the leaf village Mysterious Message
Naruto Related > Role Playing Book


For centuries the leaf village has always been a peaceful village though sometime the villages has been dangerous situation the village is well known for its military power however in the last few years the fifth great war began, people are dying from hungers other simply kills themselves to not see their loves one die while other die in war but in between some are attacking their own comrade and loosing control of their mind such as becoming crazy from war but nevertheless their is always a special person willing to do his best, but in our world this person does not exist or at least not yet but thats was not true on the very day that the hokage was killed a gift was send to the village in the form of a mysterious message a boy inside a wooden cage that was born for one reason and that reason is too become the new hokage, though the village eventually survived war many lives had been lost as for some council members trained this child till today his a 16 year old who walks the village as the Hokage....

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Explanation of the system

I know this is the first of many chapters to come we are all new to this so Ill briefly explain, this is a book and we are the creators to create it we role play though to be in the book PM me to sign up you need +30 post to be in any of the book pages. For more information PM me the chapter will begin 11/31/2010 I Always release it one day before we role play it, This topic will be edited every day stay updated with the news.

Let's Begin click the below spoiler for information

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PostSubject: Re: Chapter 1: Role Playing    Chapter 1: Role Playing  Icon_minitimeWed Dec 01, 2010 5:20 pm

Journal Entry ,
December 1st

As for my side of this war I havn't told , how this effected Us , or better yet we Sunagakure. See this war not only been sorrowfull for Lord Hokage , but also me Lord Kazekage .... You see before this war started Sunagakure was the usual a Mysterious village that nobody really knew about in detail. But due to the recent happenings that has somewhat changed , being threatened to be destoryed 24/7 by enemy forces and your village on the merge to rebeling . With this I have to deal with until I can restore our village to the natural state , but this is only the begining wait until I tell you what else happened since this war had begun. First Casualties a Sannin my friend who I honered very much who the Heavens name Kane had been out on a mission to prevent the war from happening between the villages. Soon Kane relized that his mission would be unsecsessful due to Arguing already happening at the Kage summit [Which I was at..] Sunagakure stayed on Kohona's side the whole time but stayed netrual with the others. Kane woundered off to a far place and was never seen again , he was gone for so long that we assumed him dead. Ya see this almost brings tears to my eyes a friend of mine not to return again from the deep beyond.."Heh.." Well after that the citizens have been uproaring ever since . Some have killed themselves , some threaten to kill me , some even kill their family , and sadly some starve to death. Now usually im not a nice person , but due to these recent events I have to be nice or I would probadly have to face some consequences later on. Now that I got that out of my head , I'll tell you what we did to support Kohona . Okay though my exspenses were low , I managed to assemble a Army of Elite Ninja and called them Shijo Hui Ops . These soilders had a mission and that was to go to kohona and help out however they can , first we deployed and finally reached Kohona's lush forest where we encountered Rebels , but easily took them out . We keept advancing to the kohona gates and it turns out we arrived in just the neck of time . See if we hadn't Kohona would've been over run bye Otogakure and Kumogakure two villages under an alliance to fight in this war . We managed to flank them and as I speak the battle still isn't over. Now your probadly woundering why im not their helping right? Well if I leave the village unattended then the Villagers are subjected to revolt . But for that I have hired a general to lead over the village while im gone my Son Lucian . Luke is his nickname , so he should handle it. As of right now im getting ready to head off with reinforcments to go to leaf. Wish me Luck!!And I'll report back once im finished with my progress at Leaf . So I bid you farewell...until next time...

Just then Ace slammed his book shut , "Well I must go..Kane look over the village father must leave.." He started off With a couple troops mounted on camels though the desert . The Camels where rather slow but soon the desert disappeared to reveal lush forests. "Okay Prepare Men we will be taking them head on!" he yelled as they ditched the camels and got on horses instead . Soon they would reach their destination a army of troops battling it out he gazed out in the crowd. "This ends sick of the fighting ..and so is my people!" he raised his Hand , "Now Attack!!!" As his reinforcements dismounted from their horses and Got on the sides of Ace's Horse armed with swords . The started slashing at whoever came towards them and Ultimately killed off some of the attackers . Then Ace began to do handsighns as he jumped off of his horse "Crystal Release: Crystal Lance" As a lance appeared in mid air as his hand he begun to swing it around killing enemy soldiers everywhere.
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PostSubject: Re: Chapter 1: Role Playing    Chapter 1: Role Playing  Icon_minitimeMon Dec 06, 2010 8:45 pm

Journal Entry
~December 2nd

Dawn is no longer peaceful but in the bright side is better than dusk however dusk is only few stars away and when that happens the eclipse will affect the world but hopefully I won’t go blind, yet the eclipse names the end of war and the beginning of the shade of wars which is the technical term for the disaster of wars and of course on Christmas day we will celebrate the soul of those who die for the village it was painful I was not able to defend everyone I’m not strong enough I’m still 16 years old yet I’m the hokage so I can’t be forgiven or excuse but nevertheless I got most of the villagers to safety but the sad part is my old student had to die but today I look at my new student Kiyo he reminds me of my old student ryu whom soul was as pure this young child who will one day will eventually surpass me but I doubt that will come anytime soon because as the hokage of the village I will train harder than ever and master stronger techniques and next time a love one or a simple villager is in trouble I will have the power to defend them with my own shadow.

I will no longer stand and see other dies among my side today I can’t even look outside all you see is the shades of those who died and their blood marks on the ground, Is sad the sorrowed aura fields my heart with hate but is not hate towards my foe but myself for not been able to safe the dead one from actually dying, war was never the answer yet I was one of the knuckle heads to declare war but then again in the bright side the leaf village won among the other allies but we have lost all the minor villages and today new villages are been created in the old areas of the old villages is sad they won’t be revived people have chosen to create a stronger system and force judgment in this word nonetheless judgment is the correct and the answer to our problems if we are stupid but a fool like me knows the only cure to the world is if everyone can understand each other and become friends and help each other as a community. That’s the true answer to peace.

As long as we stand and think of ways to find peace a new soul is welcome in the heavens and a bastard is welcome in the cage of flames I will not mention the name of this realm as I hate even saying it with my own dry lips. The leaf village has never been so sad but yet is not all my fault some of our own ninjas had attacked us but that only got them killed they are stupid and not fools like me to survive this world you need to be a fool and if I’m called a fool I won’t be offended nevertheless I will be pleased and take it as a comment.
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PostSubject: Re: Chapter 1: Role Playing    Chapter 1: Role Playing  Icon_minitimeWed Dec 15, 2010 11:35 pm

Has been 24 hours a replied is needed. Thumbs Up
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PostSubject: Re: Chapter 1: Role Playing    Chapter 1: Role Playing  Icon_minitimeThu Dec 16, 2010 4:13 pm

Journal Entry
December 16
In times of hardship, villages should come together, be as strong as they could be and strive through the bad times to the good. Kiyo Uchiha was one shinobi who believed that. As he looked around he didn't just see a village, but he saw his home. This was a home that he would die to protect, and he knew that most would say the same. That is why they survived what others could not. Everyone's promise to protect each other was what constantly caused the village to grow stronger along with it's shinobi.

This brought Kiyo's thoughts to his new sensei, the hokage. Kiyo sighed as he thought that no one man should have the weight of the village on their shoulders. Yes, survival of the village was up to him, but not him alone. That is why Kiyo made a promise. He promised to strive to become the best that he could be. He would not stop until he was strong enough to help his sensei fight off whatever threatened his home. And when he was strong enough to do that, he would continue to grow stronger. That was his nindo. Strength was something that could never be limited by those with an open mind, and he had learned that at a very young age.

Death is a sad reality to deal with but it is also an opening for change in others. Sometimes it seems as though it takes something as life changing as death for people to try harder, Kiyo saw as the villagers had gone from mourning to newfound hope. Hope to be stronger so that they would not have to go through this pain again. He was one of them. Thats when the idea hit him. The reason total peace was never achieved was because everyone always put their hope and trust into one person. Peace is not something that one person to make, it was a group effort and it will not be achieved until everyone realizes it.

He will change the world someday. Not for fame or fortune but because it was right. Even if it killed him, he would show the world what it really took to find peace.
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