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Keii Hatura WIP Welcom12

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Keii Hatura WIP Welcom12

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Keii Hatura WIP Welcom13
It all started with a dream, it then became a prophecy and today it is a legacy. When the sage of the sixth path discovered ninjutsu, a curse was unleashed in this world. The Sage of the sixth path then had a dream to restore peace and give sanctuary to this cursed world. He died and the dream to restore peace became a prophecy. A Old toad once said as he looks at his crystal orb, " One day two child will meet each other this Childs are the Childs of prophecy " they will be the one to restore peace. The old sage also had said that the Sannin with white hair would travel around the world in search of peace. He was correct he found one of the child from the prophecy his name was nagato. Years later the second child of the prophecy was found his name was naruto uzmaki. Both had a dream that became prophecy, Their goal and only dream was to restore peace. Nagato believed peace could be found by pain, he believed that he could restore peace by controlling people with pain and soon peace would be restore and the people would even adapt to the pain and soon the world would be a peaceful place. It was the death of yahiko and his parent that change his heart his heart was cover in darkness and in pain. In the other hand the second child naruto uzumaki believed peace could be found if people could understand each other, he fallow the prophecy of his sensei the sannin with white hair Jiraiya. On one unlucky day the leaf village was attack by Nagato, and completely destroy both child fought in this battle field and nagato 6 body of pain were destroy by Naruto, once they had met face to face naruto believes to obtain peace change nagato allowing him to restore peace, doing so nagato sacrifice his life to restore the life of all the people he killed in that very day and moment. It was not soon that this prophecy became a Legacy pass from generation to generation and today peace is yet to be found is naruto the hero of this world or will this legacy continue or will you rest on the hands of Naruto Uzumaki. -The only way to restore peace is for everyone to understand each other - Will the legacy of darkness ever end? Will you be the one to find peace? Is the only way to restore peace is to kill all the standing member of Akatsuki and recover the tailed beast placing them once again in the hands of good? You be the judge, write your own destiny. Good or Evil, you be the judge!
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 Keii Hatura WIP

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PostSubject: Keii Hatura WIP   Keii Hatura WIP Icon_minitimeThu Nov 04, 2010 6:53 pm

:: Basic Information ::

Name: Keii Hatura
--Nicknames: None
Gender: Male
age: 13
Zodiac Sign: Gemini
Birth Date: June 6
Blood Type: AB
Weight: 120 lb
Height: 5'5
Rank: Genin
Village: Konoha

:: Character Looks and Personality ::

Appearance: Keii Hatura WIP KH2_Sora

Attire: From head to toe Keii's attire looks goofy but he can sure knock out his opponents with this outfit. First off he has brown hair which he combs everyday. He likes the colors black and red so of course he going to wear that. He wears a hoodie in case it would rain and he has a necklace of a crown. He has big feet so his shoes look big and goofy. Also he likes to wear gloves. He doesnt wear shoe laces since he doesnt know how to tie his shoe laces and he has shades of yellow on his outfit. He wears shorts and he usually doesnt wear socks.

Personality: A good ninja mostly everyone likes Keii. He is a nice guy that everyone that'll like to know. He'd do anything for a friend. Some people admire him for some of the stuff that he does. He loves to wear shorts because he loves to show off his legs. He also loves to fight. He think that he got that from his dad. Anytime he fights he feels the urge to fight more. And he really likes to see blood. If he see's blood he would go crazy and try to lick it.

:: Character Clan ::
Name of Clan: Hatura
Clan Ability: None
Relationship in Clan: Novice
Character Ability:
Taijutsu Specialist

:: Character Weapons and jutsu ::

x12 kunai's
x12 shurikens
x12 senbons
x1 Fuma Shuriken

None will train to learn

Character History and RP Sample

History:Aiko's parents the founders of the Hatara clan wanted their son to be one of the best ninja's in the world. Since they were already rouged they had a plan so that he wouldnt be like them. When they born him they would seal a quarter of the 0 tail's power inside Aiko and a quarter or the 0 tail's power to each of them. They thought that they would live to see the day that their son be a great powerful ninja. But they were wrong. Little did they know that the 0 tail's obsession for darkness would overfeed them. So the day they born Keii they had it all planned out. They would seal the 0 tail inside him and inside themselves. The only problem was they still had evil inside them and the 0 tail took advantage of that and overpowered them killing them. Once the 0 tail was inside Aiko he couldn't find any evil inside him since he was just a newborn. So he the beast wanted to test this human and sealed itself inside it's own darkness. Only when the darkness started to overpower Aiko that the beasts power would come out. Once the beast was sealed inside Aiko his skin became a little bit softer and more greasy. His skin would heal from minor damage since the leech would heal it and he could spit out venom like a snake. Aiko would only be able to use a quarter of the beasts power since it sealed most of it's power inside it's own darkness. The next day after Aiko was born a Keiigakure villager found him next to a tree crying almost to death. Keiigakure is a minor village that Aiko has been for his whole life. It is a minor village next to Iwagakure and usually get their supplies from their. That villager would soon to become his step-dad and his wife would be Keii's step-mom. They wouldnt tell Keii his secret until he was 14. So for 3 years Keii lived with his step-mom and step-dad until a tragic day happened. Keii was to small to remember this day but when 3 missing ninja came into Keiigakure to steal it's headbands. Once Aiko got outside to see what was happening the 0 tails took control and sucked out all of the darkness of the 3 missing ninja's and draw it into it's own darkness. That was when everyone in the village knew that Keii was a jinchuriki. Ever since that day they all started to treat Keii different and treat him like a monster. His first day at the academy was a disaster. Even his teacher didnt even want to teach him but he was forced to. Once Aiko had master of chakra his teacher noticed something outstanding. He noticed that Aiko had control of dark chakra. His teacher studied the 0 tail and discovered that anytime Aiko uses it's darkness he also uses it's dark chakra. Also the bijuu feeds on dark chakra and will kill anything that is in Keii's way. His teacher was happy and wanted to use Keii for his own purposes. But he 0 tail knew this and took advantage of using the teachers darkness to kill him. After that Keii just took a headband thinking that an assassin killed his academy teacher. When he lied that he was a genin his sensei wanted to test him and he didnt even know the clone technique. So Keii told him that his academy teacher was killed so after intense training Keii learned the Substitution, Clone and Transformation techniques. After that training Hakura(Keii's sensei) knew that Aiko had the 0 tail but never treated him different. All he ever told Keii was ''Always believe in yourself.'' After those words Aiko trained real hard to be a great ninja. After years and years of training Keii was a great genin and thought of joining the Chunin Exams. There he figured out that he was a jinchuikri. After watching battles he had his own battle with a smart ninja. There the smart ninja learned how Aiko fought and smiled he told Keii ''Hey you stupid genin. Dont you know that your a jinchuriki? That's why everyone treats you different. You are just to dumb are you?'' Keii didnt believe him at first but when he lost at the Chunin Exams everyone at Keiigakure told him. Keii was devastated and at least wanted his own village to tell him. He ran away and a few days later met a few rouge ninja's that new his parents. Keii joined them and told them to tell them the story of his parents and how his clan formed. So they said the Hatura family was a rouge family that formed when the Keiigakure village formed. Once the clan formed they looked for world domination. They knew that they would get it if every member had a doujutsu and if they controlled at least 1 bijuu they would get what they want. So to get the doujutsu they wanted they had to sacrifice 3 of their members and seal 1 bijuu inside 1 of their members. So once they sacraficed 3 of their members thye wanted to good jinchuriki that the bijuu can hold inside. That is when Keii comes in the story. His parents borned him and told the clan leader that they would be willing to make their son a jinchuriki so that they can get their own doujutsu the silver eye. The silver eye is somewhat like the sharingan. It can copy others move but just for about an hour or 2. And the other similarity is the more the user uses this doujutsu the less they can see or hear. And you can see the future by like a minute or 2. So before his mother and father sealed it inside him they all died by their own darkness turning against them. Then the beast sealed itself inside Keii but no fully. So after the ninja's told him how he was born and became a jinchuriki they told him to join them since his clan is hiding from him inside another village. They told him that they abandoned him and that he should go there and kill them. Aiko nodded as they knew if he killed them he'd get the Silver Eye and he would join them for destroying villages. So they told him that they were hiding in Kirigakure. So here begins the invasion of the Kirigakure so that Keii can kill his clan. When they first arrived there the Hatura clan already blended in with the village so nobody knew that they were in that clan. So once Keii came his clan could already feel his chakra from 2 miles away. The evil inside it. They knew that Keii came to kill them all. They knew that he came to claim the silver eye. They all brought their katana's. That was another thing that was special about the Hatura clan. They were specialist in weapons. So once Keii came they all charged with their might but the missing ninja's and Keii were to much for them. Easily they were defeated and the Hatura clan almost came to extinction with the only survivor, Keii. So once he defeated all of them he felt his blood vessels feel different. He knew that he had gained the Silver Eyes and was happy. With it he could easily defeat his opponents. So once that happened he went back to his village and told them that he went on a fishing trip but they knew that Keii was different. They knew that he had done something evil. Because the dark chakra grew when he came back. His personality also changed.

RP Sample: Aiko shot up from his rest. With chuunin exams around the corner he needed to be training not sleeping. It was already 9:00 in the morning. "Crap" Aiko said aloud. HE moved to the closet and slid it open looking around he found the lighting jutsu pile that he had stocked the night befor. After a moment he found what he was looking for. It was a lighting scroll based on a move called Chidori. It required a lot of lighting chakra be foucused the hand but as Aiko read he thought about the consequnces if he missed with suchs a move it would screw him because hed be almost our of chakra and he could only run in a straight line while useing it and at a speed that he wouldnt be able to for see a counter attck untill it hit him. "Sounds like a useless jutsu" Aiko thought to himself. After a moment Aiko pulled the scroll out further and read about the extensions fo it that required him to know how to do chidori first. Oh well here goes nothing. Aiko read the scroll over and over again it said that he had to put a large amount of lightning-chakra into his hand. The large amount of lighting chakra would make a sound like many birds chirping. "That explains the stupid name" Aiko though to himself. Once hes got the chakra on his hand he charges and thrusts his hand into the enemy if conected it is usally enought o kill them. The charge due to its speed must be in a straight line. Once he had the scroll memorized Aiko grabbed the katana and then thought that for once it would be safer here at the apartment. So Aiko Stuffed it under the scrolls on the "Learned" Shelf and headed out to his usually training grounds.

What was once a nice tree circle now was a bunch of stumps and one dead tree sitting in a hole that Aiko dug. It was the tree that Aiko had mastered his lighting elemnet on. He was proud of himself for that day which waas why he had stuck the tree upright in the ground. But today if he accomplished his goal it would be destroyed. Aiko moved to the cliff side standing 10 feet from it just incase he pased out and fell backwards. Aiko got in a akward postion. He used his left hand and grabbed his right wrist after bringing his hands together in the middle. Aiko foucused as much chakra as he could into the hand. It wasnt enough he was only getting sparks here and there. Finally he went all out and put 99% of his chakra into it and still all he got was sparks. He couldnt understand why this jutsu didnt require hand signs. just concentration. After a minute. Aiko tried again he made his hand into a fist and all he got was a little bit of glowing so he tried diffrent one handed hand signs without luck. finally he tried to just make his hand into the shape of a tiger claw. "SUCESS" Aiko thought to himself. The shape of his had had caused strands of lighting chakra to start connecting non-adjasenct fingers. Which he hadent gotten befor. "Ha ha ha" Aiko laughed out loud. Suddenly the chakra that was foucusing began to fade. Aikofreaked "Whats going on???" Aiko said "What th-" Aiko collapsed he forgot how much chakra this was costing him and he just ran out.

Awaking a few hours later as it was getting dark. Aiko was sore and had almost no engery but he rose to he feet and truged home anyways. The entire way Aiko was cussing at himself. Not onyl had he failed to do the jutsutoday he lost track of his chakra because of how excited he was about a few sparks and and hadgone and koncked himself out. Once home he checked his katana and it wa still there so he crawled into bed and passed out again.

Awaking the next moring refreshed but still not 100% Aiko went down stairs and just did some chores for him this is how things went for the rest of the week. Finally after a week of soreness Aiko got fed up with waiting and he went back to his traing grounds.

Once there he got the sparks back and the began to concentrate anda few seconds of rapid build up Aiko herd shirping and nothing but chirping. "How annoying!" Aiko thought to himself Then he aimed for the tree. He charge he crossed the area in hlaf a second with his arm extended out in front of him he short straight throught the three and went into the rock behind it. "Holy crap" Aiko was blown away by the speed he knew it would be fast but didnt realize it would be this fast. Aiko straightened up he was almost out of chakra and now his arm sorta hurt since he crased into solid stone. He went home he wanted to expand on his new technique.

Last edited by Keii on Fri Nov 05, 2010 9:01 pm; edited 2 times in total
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Keii Hatura WIP Empty
PostSubject: Re: Keii Hatura WIP   Keii Hatura WIP Icon_minitimeFri Nov 05, 2010 8:42 pm

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Keii Hatura WIP Empty
PostSubject: Re: Keii Hatura WIP   Keii Hatura WIP Icon_minitimeFri Nov 05, 2010 8:47 pm

Keii wrote:
:: Basic Information ::

Name: Keii Hatura
--Nicknames: None
Gender: Male
age: 13
Zodiac Sign: Gemini
Birth Date: June 6
Blood Type: AB
Weight: 120 lb
Height: 5'5
Rank: Genin
Village: Konoha

:: Character Looks and Personality ::

Appearance: Keii Hatura WIP KH2_Sora

Attire: From head to toe Keii's attire looks goofy but he can sure knock out his opponents with this outfit. First off he has brown hair which he combs everyday. He likes the colors black and red so of course he going to wear that. He wears a hoodie in case it would rain and he has a necklace of a crown. He has big feet so his shoes look big and goofy. Also he likes to wear gloves.

Personality: A good ninja mostly everyone likes Keii. He is a nice guy that everyone that'll like to know. He'd do anything for a friend. Some people admire him for some of the stuff that he does.

:: Character Clan ::
Name of Clan: Hatura
Clan Ability: None
Relationship in Clan: Novice
Character Ability:
Taijutsu Specialist

:: Character Weapons and jutsu ::

x12 kunai's
x12 shurikens
x12 senbons
x1 Fuma Shuriken

None will train to learn

Character History and RP Sample

History:Aiko's parents the founders of the Hatara clan wanted their son to be one of the best ninja's in the world. Since they were already rouged they had a plan so that he wouldnt be like them. When they born him they would seal a quarter of the 0 tail's power inside Aiko and a quarter or the 0 tail's power to each of them. They thought that they would live to see the day that their son be a great powerful ninja. But they were wrong. Little did they know that the 0 tail's obsession for darkness would overfeed them. So the day they born Keii they had it all planned out. They would seal the 0 tail inside him and inside themselves. The only problem was they still had evil inside them and the 0 tail took advantage of that and overpowered them killing them. Once the 0 tail was inside Aiko he couldn't find any evil inside him since he was just a newborn. So he the beast wanted to test this human and sealed itself inside it's own darkness. Only when the darkness started to overpower Aiko that the beasts power would come out. Once the beast was sealed inside Aiko his skin became a little bit softer and more greasy. His skin would heal from minor damage since the leech would heal it and he could spit out venom like a snake. Aiko would only be able to use a quarter of the beasts power since it sealed most of it's power inside it's own darkness. The next day after Aiko was born a Keiigakure villager found him next to a tree crying almost to death. Keiigakure is a minor village that Aiko has been for his whole life. It is a minor village next to Iwagakure and usually get their supplies from their. That villager would soon to become his step-dad and his wife would be Keii's step-mom. They wouldnt tell Keii his secret until he was 14. So for 3 years Keii lived with his step-mom and step-dad until a tragic day happened. Keii was to small to remember this day but when 3 missing ninja came into Keiigakure to steal it's headbands. Once Aiko got outside to see what was happening the 0 tails took control and sucked out all of the darkness of the 3 missing ninja's and draw it into it's own darkness. That was when everyone in the village knew that Keii was a jinchuriki. Ever since that day they all started to treat Keii different and treat him like a monster. His first day at the academy was a disaster. Even his teacher didnt even want to teach him but he was forced to. Once Aiko had master of chakra his teacher noticed something outstanding. He noticed that Aiko had control of dark chakra. His teacher studied the 0 tail and discovered that anytime Aiko uses it's darkness he also uses it's dark chakra. Also the bijuu feeds on dark chakra and will kill anything that is in Keii's way. His teacher was happy and wanted to use Keii for his own purposes. But he 0 tail knew this and took advantage of using the teachers darkness to kill him. After that Keii just took a headband thinking that an assassin killed his academy teacher. When he lied that he was a genin his sensei wanted to test him and he didnt even know the clone technique. So Keii told him that his academy teacher was killed so after intense training Keii learned the Substitution, Clone and Transformation techniques. After that training Hakura(Keii's sensei) knew that Aiko had the 0 tail but never treated him different. All he ever told Keii was ''Always believe in yourself.'' After those words Aiko trained real hard to be a great ninja. After years and years of training Keii was a great genin and thought of joining the Chunin Exams. There he figured out that he was a jinchuikri. After watching battles he had his own battle with a smart ninja. There the smart ninja learned how Aiko fought and smiled he told Keii ''Hey you stupid genin. Dont you know that your a jinchuriki? That's why everyone treats you different. You are just to dumb are you?'' Keii didnt believe him at first but when he lost at the Chunin Exams everyone at Keiigakure told him. Keii was devastated and at least wanted his own village to tell him. He ran away and a few days later met a few rouge ninja's that new his parents. Keii joined them and told them to tell them the story of his parents and how his clan formed. So they said the Hatura family was a rouge family that formed when the Keiigakure village formed. Once the clan formed they looked for world domination. They knew that they would get it if every member had a doujutsu and if they controlled at least 1 bijuu they would get what they want. So to get the doujutsu they wanted they had to sacrifice 3 of their members and seal 1 bijuu inside 1 of their members. So once they sacraficed 3 of their members thye wanted to good jinchuriki that the bijuu can hold inside. That is when Keii comes in the story. His parents borned him and told the clan leader that they would be willing to make their son a jinchuriki so that they can get their own doujutsu the silver eye. The silver eye is somewhat like the sharingan. It can copy others move but just for about an hour or 2. And the other similarity is the more the user uses this doujutsu the less they can see or hear. And you can see the future by like a minute or 2. So before his mother and father sealed it inside him they all died by their own darkness turning against them. Then the beast sealed itself inside Keii but no fully. So after the ninja's told him how he was born and became a jinchuriki they told him to join them since his clan is hiding from him inside another village. They told him that they abandoned him and that he should go there and kill them. Aiko nodded as they knew if he killed them he'd get the Silver Eye and he would join them for destroying villages. So they told him that they were hiding in Kirigakure. So here begins the invasion of the Kirigakure so that Keii can kill his clan. When they first arrived there the Hatura clan already blended in with the village so nobody knew that they were in that clan. So once Keii came his clan could already feel his chakra from 2 miles away. The evil inside it. They knew that Keii came to kill them all. They knew that he came to claim the silver eye. They all brought their katana's. That was another thing that was special about the Hatura clan. They were specialist in weapons. So once Keii came they all charged with their might but the missing ninja's and Keii were to much for them. Easily they were defeated and the Hatura clan almost came to extinction with the only survivor, Keii. So once he defeated all of them he felt his blood vessels feel different. He knew that he had gained the Silver Eyes and was happy. With it he could easily defeat his opponents. So once that happened he went back to his village and told them that he went on a fishing trip but they knew that Keii was different. They knew that he had done something evil. Because the dark chakra grew when he came back. His personality also changed.

RP Sample: Um I have some rp samples in my history.


Reason: history is fine for a genin but , appearance and personality is to short also [Um some rp sample are in the history] won't cut it, you need to make an original RP sample.

Good luck !!!! tongue
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Keii Hatura WIP Empty
PostSubject: Re: Keii Hatura WIP   Keii Hatura WIP Icon_minitimeFri Nov 05, 2010 8:59 pm

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Keii Hatura WIP Empty
PostSubject: Re: Keii Hatura WIP   Keii Hatura WIP Icon_minitimeFri Nov 05, 2010 9:04 pm

Keii wrote:
:: Basic Information ::

Name: Keii Hatura
--Nicknames: None
Gender: Male
age: 13
Zodiac Sign: Gemini
Birth Date: June 6
Blood Type: AB
Weight: 120 lb
Height: 5'5
Rank: Genin
Village: Konoha

:: Character Looks and Personality ::

Appearance: Keii Hatura WIP KH2_Sora

Attire: From head to toe Keii's attire looks goofy but he can sure knock out his opponents with this outfit. First off he has brown hair which he combs everyday. He likes the colors black and red so of course he going to wear that. He wears a hoodie in case it would rain and he has a necklace of a crown. He has big feet so his shoes look big and goofy. Also he likes to wear gloves. He doesnt wear shoe laces since he doesnt know how to tie his shoe laces and he has shades of yellow on his outfit. He wears shorts and he usually doesnt wear socks.

Personality: A good ninja mostly everyone likes Keii. He is a nice guy that everyone that'll like to know. He'd do anything for a friend. Some people admire him for some of the stuff that he does. He loves to wear shorts because he loves to show off his legs. He also loves to fight. He think that he got that from his dad. Anytime he fights he feels the urge to fight more. And he really likes to see blood. If he see's blood he would go crazy and try to lick it.

:: Character Clan ::
Name of Clan: Hatura
Clan Ability: None
Relationship in Clan: Novice
Character Ability:
Taijutsu Specialist

:: Character Weapons and jutsu ::

x12 kunai's
x12 shurikens
x12 senbons
x1 Fuma Shuriken

None will train to learn

Character History and RP Sample

History:Aiko's parents the founders of the Hatara clan wanted their son to be one of the best ninja's in the world. Since they were already rouged they had a plan so that he wouldnt be like them. When they born him they would seal a quarter of the 0 tail's power inside Aiko and a quarter or the 0 tail's power to each of them. They thought that they would live to see the day that their son be a great powerful ninja. But they were wrong. Little did they know that the 0 tail's obsession for darkness would overfeed them. So the day they born Keii they had it all planned out. They would seal the 0 tail inside him and inside themselves. The only problem was they still had evil inside them and the 0 tail took advantage of that and overpowered them killing them. Once the 0 tail was inside Aiko he couldn't find any evil inside him since he was just a newborn. So he the beast wanted to test this human and sealed itself inside it's own darkness. Only when the darkness started to overpower Aiko that the beasts power would come out. Once the beast was sealed inside Aiko his skin became a little bit softer and more greasy. His skin would heal from minor damage since the leech would heal it and he could spit out venom like a snake. Aiko would only be able to use a quarter of the beasts power since it sealed most of it's power inside it's own darkness. The next day after Aiko was born a Keiigakure villager found him next to a tree crying almost to death. Keiigakure is a minor village that Aiko has been for his whole life. It is a minor village next to Iwagakure and usually get their supplies from their. That villager would soon to become his step-dad and his wife would be Keii's step-mom. They wouldnt tell Keii his secret until he was 14. So for 3 years Keii lived with his step-mom and step-dad until a tragic day happened. Keii was to small to remember this day but when 3 missing ninja came into Keiigakure to steal it's headbands. Once Aiko got outside to see what was happening the 0 tails took control and sucked out all of the darkness of the 3 missing ninja's and draw it into it's own darkness. That was when everyone in the village knew that Keii was a jinchuriki. Ever since that day they all started to treat Keii different and treat him like a monster. His first day at the academy was a disaster. Even his teacher didnt even want to teach him but he was forced to. Once Aiko had master of chakra his teacher noticed something outstanding. He noticed that Aiko had control of dark chakra. His teacher studied the 0 tail and discovered that anytime Aiko uses it's darkness he also uses it's dark chakra. Also the bijuu feeds on dark chakra and will kill anything that is in Keii's way. His teacher was happy and wanted to use Keii for his own purposes. But he 0 tail knew this and took advantage of using the teachers darkness to kill him. After that Keii just took a headband thinking that an assassin killed his academy teacher. When he lied that he was a genin his sensei wanted to test him and he didnt even know the clone technique. So Keii told him that his academy teacher was killed so after intense training Keii learned the Substitution, Clone and Transformation techniques. After that training Hakura(Keii's sensei) knew that Aiko had the 0 tail but never treated him different. All he ever told Keii was ''Always believe in yourself.'' After those words Aiko trained real hard to be a great ninja. After years and years of training Keii was a great genin and thought of joining the Chunin Exams. There he figured out that he was a jinchuikri. After watching battles he had his own battle with a smart ninja. There the smart ninja learned how Aiko fought and smiled he told Keii ''Hey you stupid genin. Dont you know that your a jinchuriki? That's why everyone treats you different. You are just to dumb are you?'' Keii didnt believe him at first but when he lost at the Chunin Exams everyone at Keiigakure told him. Keii was devastated and at least wanted his own village to tell him. He ran away and a few days later met a few rouge ninja's that new his parents. Keii joined them and told them to tell them the story of his parents and how his clan formed. So they said the Hatura family was a rouge family that formed when the Keiigakure village formed. Once the clan formed they looked for world domination. They knew that they would get it if every member had a doujutsu and if they controlled at least 1 bijuu they would get what they want. So to get the doujutsu they wanted they had to sacrifice 3 of their members and seal 1 bijuu inside 1 of their members. So once they sacraficed 3 of their members thye wanted to good jinchuriki that the bijuu can hold inside. That is when Keii comes in the story. His parents borned him and told the clan leader that they would be willing to make their son a jinchuriki so that they can get their own doujutsu the silver eye. The silver eye is somewhat like the sharingan. It can copy others move but just for about an hour or 2. And the other similarity is the more the user uses this doujutsu the less they can see or hear. And you can see the future by like a minute or 2. So before his mother and father sealed it inside him they all died by their own darkness turning against them. Then the beast sealed itself inside Keii but no fully. So after the ninja's told him how he was born and became a jinchuriki they told him to join them since his clan is hiding from him inside another village. They told him that they abandoned him and that he should go there and kill them. Aiko nodded as they knew if he killed them he'd get the Silver Eye and he would join them for destroying villages. So they told him that they were hiding in Kirigakure. So here begins the invasion of the Kirigakure so that Keii can kill his clan. When they first arrived there the Hatura clan already blended in with the village so nobody knew that they were in that clan. So once Keii came his clan could already feel his chakra from 2 miles away. The evil inside it. They knew that Keii came to kill them all. They knew that he came to claim the silver eye. They all brought their katana's. That was another thing that was special about the Hatura clan. They were specialist in weapons. So once Keii came they all charged with their might but the missing ninja's and Keii were to much for them. Easily they were defeated and the Hatura clan almost came to extinction with the only survivor, Keii. So once he defeated all of them he felt his blood vessels feel different. He knew that he had gained the Silver Eyes and was happy. With it he could easily defeat his opponents. So once that happened he went back to his village and told them that he went on a fishing trip but they knew that Keii was different. They knew that he had done something evil. Because the dark chakra grew when he came back. His personality also changed.

RP Sample: Aiko shot up from his rest. With chuunin exams around the corner he needed to be training not sleeping. It was already 9:00 in the morning. "Crap" Aiko said aloud. HE moved to the closet and slid it open looking around he found the lighting jutsu pile that he had stocked the night befor. After a moment he found what he was looking for. It was a lighting scroll based on a move called Chidori. It required a lot of lighting chakra be foucused the hand but as Aiko read he thought about the consequnces if he missed with suchs a move it would screw him because hed be almost our of chakra and he could only run in a straight line while useing it and at a speed that he wouldnt be able to for see a counter attck untill it hit him. "Sounds like a useless jutsu" Aiko thought to himself. After a moment Aiko pulled the scroll out further and read about the extensions fo it that required him to know how to do chidori first. Oh well here goes nothing. Aiko read the scroll over and over again it said that he had to put a large amount of lightning-chakra into his hand. The large amount of lighting chakra would make a sound like many birds chirping. "That explains the stupid name" Aiko though to himself. Once hes got the chakra on his hand he charges and thrusts his hand into the enemy if conected it is usally enought o kill them. The charge due to its speed must be in a straight line. Once he had the scroll memorized Aiko grabbed the katana and then thought that for once it would be safer here at the apartment. So Aiko Stuffed it under the scrolls on the "Learned" Shelf and headed out to his usually training grounds.

What was once a nice tree circle now was a bunch of stumps and one dead tree sitting in a hole that Aiko dug. It was the tree that Aiko had mastered his lighting elemnet on. He was proud of himself for that day which waas why he had stuck the tree upright in the ground. But today if he accomplished his goal it would be destroyed. Aiko moved to the cliff side standing 10 feet from it just incase he pased out and fell backwards. Aiko got in a akward postion. He used his left hand and grabbed his right wrist after bringing his hands together in the middle. Aiko foucused as much chakra as he could into the hand. It wasnt enough he was only getting sparks here and there. Finally he went all out and put 99% of his chakra into it and still all he got was sparks. He couldnt understand why this jutsu didnt require hand signs. just concentration. After a minute. Aiko tried again he made his hand into a fist and all he got was a little bit of glowing so he tried diffrent one handed hand signs without luck. finally he tried to just make his hand into the shape of a tiger claw. "SUCESS" Aiko thought to himself. The shape of his had had caused strands of lighting chakra to start connecting non-adjasenct fingers. Which he hadent gotten befor. "Ha ha ha" Aiko laughed out loud. Suddenly the chakra that was foucusing began to fade. Aikofreaked "Whats going on???" Aiko said "What th-" Aiko collapsed he forgot how much chakra this was costing him and he just ran out.

Awaking a few hours later as it was getting dark. Aiko was sore and had almost no engery but he rose to he feet and truged home anyways. The entire way Aiko was cussing at himself. Not onyl had he failed to do the jutsutoday he lost track of his chakra because of how excited he was about a few sparks and and hadgone and koncked himself out. Once home he checked his katana and it wa still there so he crawled into bed and passed out again.

Awaking the next moring refreshed but still not 100% Aiko went down stairs and just did some chores for him this is how things went for the rest of the week. Finally after a week of soreness Aiko got fed up with waiting and he went back to his traing grounds.

Once there he got the sparks back and the began to concentrate anda few seconds of rapid build up Aiko herd shirping and nothing but chirping. "How annoying!" Aiko thought to himself Then he aimed for the tree. He charge he crossed the area in hlaf a second with his arm extended out in front of him he short straight throught the three and went into the rock behind it. "Holy crap" Aiko was blown away by the speed he knew it would be fast but didnt realize it would be this fast. Aiko straightened up he was almost out of chakra and now his arm sorta hurt since he crased into solid stone. He went home he wanted to expand on his new technique.

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