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Zenaku Senju Welcom12

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Zenaku Senju Welcom12

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Zenaku Senju Welcom13
It all started with a dream, it then became a prophecy and today it is a legacy. When the sage of the sixth path discovered ninjutsu, a curse was unleashed in this world. The Sage of the sixth path then had a dream to restore peace and give sanctuary to this cursed world. He died and the dream to restore peace became a prophecy. A Old toad once said as he looks at his crystal orb, " One day two child will meet each other this Childs are the Childs of prophecy " they will be the one to restore peace. The old sage also had said that the Sannin with white hair would travel around the world in search of peace. He was correct he found one of the child from the prophecy his name was nagato. Years later the second child of the prophecy was found his name was naruto uzmaki. Both had a dream that became prophecy, Their goal and only dream was to restore peace. Nagato believed peace could be found by pain, he believed that he could restore peace by controlling people with pain and soon peace would be restore and the people would even adapt to the pain and soon the world would be a peaceful place. It was the death of yahiko and his parent that change his heart his heart was cover in darkness and in pain. In the other hand the second child naruto uzumaki believed peace could be found if people could understand each other, he fallow the prophecy of his sensei the sannin with white hair Jiraiya. On one unlucky day the leaf village was attack by Nagato, and completely destroy both child fought in this battle field and nagato 6 body of pain were destroy by Naruto, once they had met face to face naruto believes to obtain peace change nagato allowing him to restore peace, doing so nagato sacrifice his life to restore the life of all the people he killed in that very day and moment. It was not soon that this prophecy became a Legacy pass from generation to generation and today peace is yet to be found is naruto the hero of this world or will this legacy continue or will you rest on the hands of Naruto Uzumaki. -The only way to restore peace is for everyone to understand each other - Will the legacy of darkness ever end? Will you be the one to find peace? Is the only way to restore peace is to kill all the standing member of Akatsuki and recover the tailed beast placing them once again in the hands of good? You be the judge, write your own destiny. Good or Evil, you be the judge!
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Zenaku Senju

Zenaku Senju

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PostSubject: Zenaku Senju   Zenaku Senju Icon_minitimeFri Oct 29, 2010 10:36 pm

:: Basic Information ::

Name:Zenaku Senju
--Nicknames:Zen, Zenny, Aku
Zodiac Sign: Unknown
Birth Date: February, 10
Blood Type: O negative
Weight: 80 lbs
Height: 6'0"
Rank: Tsuchikage
Village: Iwagakure

:: Character Looks and Personality ::

Appearance::He wears typical shinobi pants with two toe footing shoes that are customary of the style of the shinobi he's used to.He's also typically seen wearing a white V neck shirt made in his home village of Iwagakure and a light over shirt that he wears open. Often times his clothes appear slightly baggy with a splash of style. Wide brimmed hats also find their way to Zenaku's head at times. Zenaku is a man with sharp features and a strong athletic build. He stands as a tall height but appears somehow fraile at first glance. A tribal marking tattooed is branded on his left shoulder since before he could even form words. The mark was made with a special kind of ink. When he focuses his chakra on nights with full moons the tattoo begins to glow a erie blue hue. A small scar on the right side of his face can be seen as an inury of his youth. His hair always appears as though he just rolled out of the bed yet seems to fall in place when he runs his hands through his hair as if he's annoyed. Despite his clothing, he usually prefers to go around shirtless. When on mission however, he prefers to remain as annoymous as possible with people usually identifying him by his manipulation of Mokuton through his body. Knowing that very few people if any are still alive able to use such an ability so that should serve as proof enough. To that end constantly he wears a mask at most times to resemble a member of ANBU but clearly more elaborate as well as a large dark cloak covering his entire body made of a fire retardant material.

Personality:Having been born an orphan Zenaku often finds it hard to find a balance when dealing with people. He has a strong dislike for people in general but maintains his efforts to try and open up to them. He understands what a warm disposition feels like having received kindness before but finds that most people lack genuine kindness. He often seeks to find a peaceful solution to a problem rather than fight. That however, by no means indicates his lack of ability and skill in battle. More of a book worm at times he jumps at any opportunity to read up on any and all new jutsu. A logic by nature he feels deeply that people can be friends and yet strangers at the same time and vice versa. Never placing much value on many people he simply exists. There's a constant struggle within him having to do with doing what's logical and what's practical. This sometimes results in him appearing to make slow decisions as he mulls the situation over. Used to the sight of blood and of loved ones being executed before him, seeing others go through the same thing barely phases him. In his mind, most people that he came across weren't even considered people. They were more like calculated risks in life. Even a polite greeting from a older person was viewed as an ordeal in his head as everything came down to a chain of events. His training as a child molded his mind to carry out missions without question. Even ones that thought of him as close friends could detect a constant distance between him and interacting with others. Though polite, a hint of sarcasm was always present with his statements even when he never intended to be sarcastic. In the midst of battle a grin finds itself on his face, not because of fighting a life or death battle, but that he could see room for improvement in his own techniques. Out of the chaos that accompanies his messed up mind, there is one person that he could always trust. A friend from long ago who went by the name of Natsu. Though he hadn't seen or heard from her in years, one of the only hopes that he would secretly hang on to was that he would one day meet her once again.

:: Character Clan ::

Name of Clan: Senju
Clan Ability: Mokuton
Relationship in Clan: Lost ties to clan
Character Ability: Manipulation and creation of wood.

:: Character Weapons and jutsu ::

Weapons4 kunai
8 shuriken
8 senbon
2 smoke bombs
2 rolls of combat grade wire
4 Explosive tags

Current Owner of Samehada.
Samehada is a large sword of comparable size to the Decapitating Carving Knife. It is described as "the most terrifying of all the Seven Swordsmen's blades".[1] At the tip of Samehada's handle is a small skull. Its actual blade is covered in scales, which causes it to inflict shredding or shaving damage rather than cutting what it comes into contact with. The effect is similar to a shark's skin, hence its name. While it ordinarily remains rigid, Samehada is able to stretch and bend to a great extent, allowing it to be used like a flail.

Samehada is unique for being a sentient weapon that gains nourishment from the chakra of others. It is happiest when engorged with chakra. Although it constantly feeds off of the chakra of its owner, its largest "meals" come from fights wherein it absorbs the chakra of its owner's opponents. Such an ability allows Samehada to literally slice through an opponent's jutsu and even prevent jutsu from being performed by absorbing all of the opponent's chakra. This is particularly useful when fighting jinchūriki, as Samehada can quickly deplete their large chakra supplies as well as remove their chakra cloaks. Samehada grows larger from the chakra it absorbs, its scales becoming longer and its mouth, located at the tip of the blade, becoming more pronounced. Keeping Samehada wrapped in bandages apparently inhibits this growth.

Jutsu In addition to mastering all E ranked jutsu

Bloodline: Mokuton




Misc Jutsu

Character History and RP Sample

History: Zenaku was raised in Iwagakure after his parents were killed in a brutal battle. In his early age he found it difficult interacting with people after witnessing the acts of men in dealing with others. He noticed that he was different than the other shinobi there. Noone wanted anything to do with him and as the years passed he began to wonder why he even stayed there. There were a few shinobi that worked hard to guide him in the right direction. Although it moved him towards the right direction it gave him purpose. If he grew strong then he wouldn't have to care what people thought. Strength can change the way a person is treated and that's what Zen desired.

He endured much training having failed to qualify for the chuunin exams once due to overconfidence. He took every defeat as a chance to improve and grow in skill. He was ready to take the exams again but with a more mature attitude. He'd grown to know and understand that it took more than power in order to become a powerful shinobi. Strategy needed to be used as well. During the time before the chuunin exams he worked constantly with higher ranking shinobi. His focus was to determine what experienced ninja would do in certain no win scenarios. Retraining how one thinks however took not only hard work but dedication. It meant giving up old habits in order to adopt new ones.

In his time of preparation he met a girl by the name of Obumi from another village. Not knowing where she was from she was the first person to ever show genuine kindness to him. They shared a sort of love hate type relationship. She would constantly mess with Zen to try and drive him crazy yet honestly wanted the best for him. When he was undergoing the training to strategizing she helped him to understand the value of others lives. Just because a situation looks like the best logical decision doesn't mean it's the correct one. In the time leading up to the chuunin exams they grow close in a short amount of time. Tragedy strikes though during one of their training sessions.

They were in a forest outside of the village after hours without permission pushing each others limits. It was a cool night in the middle of fall. The moon above took the appearance of a festive moon. It appeared to have a yellow tint to it as clouds partially encased it. The two young shinobi were practicing speed tests rushing as fast as they could through the dark forest. Obumi was running ahead of Zen as she was faster than he was teasing him for being so slow. They were going deeper into the forest than they had ever gone before. As Obumi runs ahead a large bush lies ahead of them as she erupts through the bush only to be horrified. Nothing lay beyond the bush but a steep cliff. Rushing out and sliding across the ground he reaches for her. He reached for her as she reached back for his hand missing it barely.

The young kunoichi made complete eye contact with him as she fell out of his sight to the doom below. Zen holds his upper torso and right hand reaching at nothing as he goes into shock at what he'd just witnessed. He'd never seen anyone die, let alone a fellow shinobi and friend. The next morning a scouting team finds Zen and brings him back to the village as well as recovers Obumi's lifeless body. The only one who had shown kindness to him ended up being taken away from him. He cursed his lack of skill and went into a deep depression. Several shinobi mentors tried to snap Zen out of it but it was only the words of the Tsuchikage that reached his heart. It helped him to appreciate that everyone makes mistakes and at one time or another everyone was weak. He was given a choice. Either to stay stuck in the past and mistakes, or look forward and proceed to take the chuunin exams. After much time and thought he decides to move on but always to remember what he'd lost due to his weakness.

Chuunin Arc

Zenaku participated in the chuunin exams for the second time, and passed. He was contacted shortly after by high ranking members of Iwagakure village. They wanted to test his abilities to see if Chuunin was a sufficient rank for him. They asked him to participate in testing of his strange and unique abilities in manipulating and creating wood. He was placed in a group to train with 7 members of anbu. The leaders wanted to make him a powerful weapon to use against other villages. A full year passed with this intense training.

The training included exposure to extreme conditions over long periods of time and intensity. He would have to endure multiple attacks from Low to Mid ranking Jutsu of all elements. Time and again he felt as if his body was going to break but it held steady surviving each assault. He was also ordered to survive for a month in a area comparable to the forest of death without weapons. After the elaspsed that amount of time he was approached by a old shinobi who claimed to be the one who originally took him to konoha offering information about his true identity. His mother was of the Senju clan and his father was of the Mibu clan.

They both fled their villages to try to live in peace from the warring lands. They were caught in the middle of a battle and killed as a result. Zen had heard all of this before but something new was revealed by the stranger. Zen's parents weren't killed by the people fighting in the wars. They were worn down by the enemy groups but were killed by konoha shinobi. Zen's mother left with his father against orders from Konoha where she was born and therefore eliminated. Trying to protect his mother Zen's father was dealt with first before her eyes and she was murdered immediately after. The old man was, in fact a friend of both of them but there was nothing that he could do. After hearing the truth Zen resolved to get stronger to kill those responsible for his loss of his parents. He vowed to destroy the village hidden in the leaves one day but as it stood, he wasn't strong enough. He proceeded to carry out mission after mission often by himself becoming well known in the world of shinobi before getting recognition enough to rank up.


Upon gaining the rank of Jounin, Zenaku continued to perform various dangerous missions. Although he was born an senju he wasn't raised as one but he mastered his mokuton abilities fully just the same bringing him to the rank and ability to perform effectively as a ranked shinobi. The missions themselves are all deemed classified but included but weren't limited to assassinations, intel gathering, and defending kages. He'd worked hard and were given young genin to train and mentor making a few of them greatly learn in order to give them purpose in life. Among his travels he had the opportunity to endulge in many missions for the honor and glory of Iwa. One such mission involved a rescue of a Iwa shinobi named Natsu from the land of snow.

He had to gather information from the towns of the land of snow to locate what prison she was in. Upon finding the the place in question he was shocked to find that the gates of the prison was left wide open and there were trails of blood as well. This put him on high guard as he entered the complex. As he made his was through the prison he located and released the shinobi known as Natsu. He couldnt' quite place why, but this kunoichi reminded him of his childhood friend Obumi. He shook off any distractions to himself and continued with the mission. As they made their way out he found what caused so much trouble when he arrived. It was a creature that looked like a large grounded bird crossed with a werewolf. A complete and utter freak of nature.

A fight ensued allowing him to see the kunoichi's powerful kekkei genkai first hand. Using a powerful katon jutsu she effectively eliminated the beast but failed to see the other two behind her which Zen dealt with. Upon completing the extraction he returned to Iwagakure to find it completely destroyed and the Tsuchikage dead. Upon looking at the situation of Iwa, Zen decided to attempt to fill in the void left in Iwagakure and restore his village to it's former glory. his current situation. Due to his elemental control he came to be known as "Zenaku of the Dark Forest". After the untimely death of the former Tsuchikage Zenaku was praised and named the new Tsuchikage.



RP Sample:
Zenaku endured harsh training in order to hone his skills as a shinobi. One of his trainers looked down on him as he attempted to understand the ways of shinobi. Remembering, he looks up at his sensei and speaks Sensei? Zenaku, i've told you time and again to call me by my name. Ryutachi Gohondo. Now What is it? I'm ready for my test.

Zen watches as Ryutachi rises and grins with a nod. BEGIN! Zen jumps to his feet attempting to swing a kunai at Ryutachi's midsection. Ryu easily evades the attack and kicks zen in the solarplexes knocking the wind out of him for a second as zen drops to one knee. Darnit! In a rage zen rushes towards ryu again as ryu easily dodges every attempt on him before catching zen offguard with a submission move. Do you give up? Zen sulking. Yes i surrender. Ryu pats him on the head and grins saying these words. If you don't control yourself and your anger you will never become a true shinobi....

Don't take it so hard. I'm only tough on you because i believe you have alot of potential and i want to see you fulfill that potential. Zen looks up at him with a slight grin and gets ready to speak as a noise is heard behind him. Ryu pushes zen to the ground. MOVE! As zen hits the ground a flurry of senbon strike the tree he was just standing in front of. Completely off guard zens eyes dance around looking for his attacker as Ryu's hand stretches out in front of zen. Get behind me. Zen getting up frantically attempts to move forward as a figure appears in front of them both wearing a unknown headband on his head. The shinobi stands 6' tall with a spear on his back with unique design on it. All of these details feed into zens eyes just as something catches his eyes.!?!?!?! Zen looks completely confused as he notices the exact same tattoo on the unknown shinobi's arm that's on zens own arm except black instead of white. Ryu, who's already in a ready stance releases a intimidating wave of chakra causing zen to step back in shock as this being the first time he'd seen Ryu like this. What do you want?! And who are you?!

The shinobi speaks with a chilling voice. It doesn't matter who i am, but i'm here for the boy. I'm only going to ask once before i have to TAKE him by force. The Senju child. As he speaks he takes out his spear gripping it in one hand. Beginning to feel the thrill of a worthy fight Ryu forms a few katas as the shinobi gets in a defensive stance kage bushin no jutsu!. Two exact copies of Ryu appear and rush zen through the forest towards the village. Being carried zen yells out. No! I want to stay! Let me go! Zen's yells are ignored by the obidient bushin as Ryu squares off with the shinobi. The shinobi looks at Ryu with a sigh. You do know he can't hide don't you? We'll find him no matter where he goes. Ryu cracks his neck and begins to circle the enemy. That may be so, but you'll have to get through me first.

The tension in the air continues as the enemy grins then instantaneously rushes at Ryu with a forward thrust of his spear. Ryu, barely evades the thrust as he sidesteps and pivots on one foot bringing his other leg around for a roundhouse to the enemies head as he ducks beneath the kick. As the kick misses the enemy reaches behind his back grasping a kunai pulling the spear in his right hand back a bit swings his kunai at the exposed Ryu stabbing his across the stomach. Ryu bursts into a cloud of smoke and a wooden log as the enemy grins. Not bad.The enemy turns around looking for Ryu amongst the wooded area not daring to move from his spot in full defensive posture. Moments later a swirling sound can be heard in the air as the enemy turns quickly to see a large shuriken shuriken made of wood flying towards him. Spinning his spear to deflect the projectile he makes contact with the shuriken only for it to splinter off into a large amount of wooden poisonous senbon flying in every direction. What?! At such a close range the enemy is hit with a few of the senbon as Ryu appears a distance away grinning. You've been poisoned by a toxin found in the land of fire. This toxin will attack your nervous system and your respitory system. Though it's not fatal right now, it'll definitely hinder you greatly in this fight. Now tell me! What do you want with Zenaku?!

The enemy makes no sound as he bursts into a cloud of smoke leaving a large wooden piece where he once stood. Oh no! Looking around cautiously Ryu steps forward as the enemy appears behind him laughing. You're very skilled with alot of tricks up your sleeve i see. I'll leave the boy for the moment but know this, others will come soon enough. Train him well, otherwise he won't be much fun. Stepping back Ryu glares at the enemy. What the hell are you talking about!? The enemy makes a sigh. I suppose i can tell you this much. An order has been issued to bring the child to a certain person. I thought he was hiding his strength initially so i attacked. Now, however i realize that he's got a long way to go yet. I bet he hasn't even awakened his kekkei genkai yet. I want to fight him when he's stronger so i'm leaving him alone for the moment

The enemy forms a kata and begins to fade into the wind leaving these words. Others won't have as much honor as i do but remember my name. It's Gilgimesh Ryohu and next time we meet. You die. Ryu stands on guard listening to every word of Gilgimesh as he vanishes from the area with all signs of his chakra gone and then thinks for a second. Ryu thinks to himself "Zenaku.....can't be an senju...can he?"

Last edited by Zenaku Senju on Sat Nov 20, 2010 9:59 pm; edited 14 times in total
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PostSubject: Re: Zenaku Senju   Zenaku Senju Icon_minitimeSat Oct 30, 2010 9:45 am

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PostSubject: Re: Zenaku Senju   Zenaku Senju Icon_minitimeSat Oct 30, 2010 9:13 pm

Zenaku wrote:
:: Basic Information ::

Name:Zenaku Senju
--Nicknames:Zen, Zenny, Aku
Zodiac Sign: Unknown
Birth Date: February, 10
Blood Type: O negative
Weight: 80 lbs
Height: 6'0"
Rank: Tsuchikage
Village: Iwagakure

:: Character Looks and Personality ::

Appearance::He wears typical shinobi pants with two toe footing shoes that are customary of the style of the shinobi he's used to.He's also typically seen wearing a white V neck shirt made in his home village of Iwagakure and a light over shirt that he wears open. Often times his clothes appear slightly baggy with a splash of style. Wide brimmed hats also find their way to Zenaku's head at times. Zenaku is a man with sharp features and a strong athletic build. He stands as a tall height but appears somehow fraile at first glance. A tribal marking tattooed is branded on his left shoulder since before he could even form words. The mark was made with a special kind of ink. When he focuses his chakra on nights with full moons the tattoo begins to glow a erie blue hue. A small scar on the right side of his face can be seen as an inury of his youth. His hair always appears as though he just rolled out of the bed yet seems to fall in place when he runs his hands through his hair as if he's annoyed. Despite his clothing, he usually prefers to go around shirtless. When on mission however, he prefers to remain as annoymous as possible with people usually identifying him by his manipulation of Mokuton through his body. Knowing that very few people if any are still alive able to use such an ability so that should serve as proof enough. To that end constantly he wears a mask at most times to resemble a member of ANBU but clearly more elaborate as well as a large dark cloak covering his entire body made of a fire retardant material.

Personality:Having been born an orphan Zenaku often finds it hard to find a balance when dealing with people. He has a strong dislike for people in general but maintains his efforts to try and open up to them. He understands what a warm disposition feels like having received kindness before but finds that most people lack genuine kindness. He often seeks to find a peaceful solution to a problem rather than fight. That however, by no means indicates his lack of ability and skill in battle. More of a book worm at times he jumps at any opportunity to read up on any and all new jutsu. A logic by nature he feels deeply that people can be friends and yet strangers at the same time and vice versa. Never placing much value on many people he simply exists. There's a constant struggle within him having to do with doing what's logical and what's practical. This sometimes results in him appearing to make slow decisions as he mulls the situation over. Used to the sight of blood and of loved ones being executed before him, seeing others go through the same thing barely phases him. In his mind, most people that he came across weren't even considered people. They were more like calculated risks in life. Even a polite greeting from a older person was viewed as an ordeal in his head as everything came down to a chain of events. His training as a child molded his mind to carry out missions without question. Even ones that thought of him as close friends could detect a constant distance between him and interacting with others. Though polite, a hint of sarcasm was always present with his statements even when he never intended to be sarcastic. In the midst of battle a grin finds itself on his face, not because of fighting a life or death battle, but that he could see room for improvement in his own techniques. Out of the chaos that accompanies his messed up mind, there is one person that he could always trust. A friend from long ago who went by the name of Natsu. Though he hadn't seen or heard from her in years, one of the only hopes that he would secretly hang on to was that he would one day meet her once again.

:: Character Clan ::

Name of Clan: Senju
Clan Ability: Mokuton
Relationship in Clan: Lost ties to clan
Character Ability: Manipulation and creation of wood.

:: Character Weapons and jutsu ::

Weapons4 kunai
8 shuriken
8 senbon
2 smoke bombs
2 rolls of combat grade wire
4 Explosive tags

Jutsu In addition to mastering all E ranked jutsu

Bloodline: Mokuton

Name: Kage-shiki Jijun Jutsu - Kakuan Nitten Suishu
Sixty-year-old Technique - Kakuan Entering Society with Bliss-bringing Hands
Classification: Ninjutsu
Sub-Classification: Secret Technique
Rank: A
Element: Mokuton
Class: Supplementary
Range: Short
Hand seals:
Description: This technique utilizes the power of the Wood Release to forcibly suppress a tailed beast's chakra. The user would produce the seal "seat" (座) on their palm, and touching the tailed beast's chakra with their hand, the user then suppresses the chakra inside an area lined with ten or eleven wooden pillars.

Name: Jubaku no Jutsu (Tree Restraints Technique)
Classification: Ninjutsu
Sub-Classification: Secret Technique
Rank: D
Element: Mokuton
Class: Supplementary
Range: Short
Hand seals:
Description: Through the use of this technique, the user can summon long, flexible strands of wood to either come up from the ground or from their hand and wrap around the target, restraining them, catching them, or whatever. They can be tightened enough to hold but not to do damage.

Name: Moku Kobushi Jutsu (Wood Fist Jutsu)
Classification: Taijutsu
Sub-Classification: Secret Technique
Rank: D
Element: Mokuton
Class: Supplementary
Range: Short
Hand seals:
Description: Wood fist justu is a jutsu that amplifies the power of the user’s Taijutsu. The user controls the wood to mold around his hands, making his hands much harder and protecting them from getting hurt, meaning he can punch harder.

Name: Moku Kyuuin Jutsu (Wood Absorption Jutsu)
Classification: Ninjutsu
Sub-Classification: Secret Technique
Rank: C
Element: Mokuton
Class: Supplementary
Range: Short
Hand seals:
Description: Using his Mokuton abilities, he is able to reabsorb any wood jutsu that he has used to regen 90% of the chakra used. The jutsu only works on wooden jutsu that Zenaku has used himself.

Name: Moku Hashira Jutsu (Wood Pillar Jutsu)
Classification: Ninjutsu
Sub-Classification: Secret Technique
Rank: C
Element: Mokuton
Class: Offensive
Range: Short
Hand seals:
Description: The Wood Pillar Jutsu allows a user to punch an opponent from a distance. The user does some hand seals and punches his fist into the ground. The punch will continue in the form of a wood pillar anywhere within 5 meters of the user.

Name: Moku Bunshin no Jutsu (Wood Clone Technique)
Classification: Ninjutsu
Sub-Classification: Secret Technique
Rank: C
Element: Mokuton
Class: Supplementary
Range: Short
Hand seals:
Description: Through the use of this technique, the user is capable of causing beams of wood to come from their own body and create a perfect copy of themselves made of wood. The clone has all the same physical attributes as the user and is capable of using the user’s level of Mokuton and Mokuton techniques. A strong hit will cause the clone to shatter. Also, the clone disappears should the user act will it.

Name: Moku Shouheki no Jutsu (Wood Barrier Technique)
Classification: Ninjutsu
Sub-Classification: Secret Technique
Rank: C
Element: Mokuton
Class: Defensive
Range: Short
Hand seals:
Description: Through the use of this technique, the user will cause beams of wood to emerge from the ground. The beams can converge to form a half spherical barrier to deflect an incoming blast.

Name: Shichuurou no Jutsu (Four Pillar Prison Technique)
Classification: Ninjutsu
Sub-Classification: Secret Technique
Rank: C
Element: Mokuton
Class: Supplementary
Range: Short
Hand seals:
Description: Through the use of this technique, the user causes beams of wood to emerge from the ground. These beams will converge and combine to form a prison. The size and durability of the prison depends on how much chakra the user wants to put out to it.

Name: Daijurin no Jutsu (Great Forest Technique)
Classification: Ninjutsu
Sub-Classification: Secret Technique
Rank: B
Element: Mokuton
Class: Offensive/Defensive
Range: Med - Long
Hand seals:
Description: Through the use of this technique, the user will extend a number of planks that form into spikes at the end toward their opponent. The spikes are surprisingly flexible and can snake toward the opponent. Though not its main intended use, the spikes can also function as a good defensive technique. The amount and length of spikes depends on how much the user puts into the technique.

Name: Mokuton: Ya Arashi (Wood Release: Arrow Storm)
Classification: Ninjutsu
Sub-Classification: Secret Technique
Rank: B
Element: Mokuton
Class: Offensive
Range: Long
Hand seals:
Description: Another simple Mokuton technique, the user forms a series of handsigns, before holding the last one. As they do this large branches erupt from behind them with large sharp wooden arrows appearing from them, the exact number depending on the users capabilities. Upon releasing the final handsign, the branch swings sending all of the arrow shoot forth, similar to being fired from a squad of archers.
Genin skilled enough to use this technique can create 15 arrows, chuunin 40, jounin 80, Sannin/Kage 150.

Name: Mokuton: Moku Bakuhatsu Bunshin (Wood Release: Wood Explosion Clone)
Classification: Ninjutsu
Sub-Classification: Secret Technique
Rank: A
Element: Mokuton
Class: Offensive
Range: Long
Hand seals:
Description: A variation of Mokuton: Moku Bunshin no Jutsu. When the clone is hit, or when the user wishes it, the clone will explode, sending a spray of jagged and sharp splinters outwards.

Name: Shichuuka no Jutsu (Four Pillar Home Technique)
Classification: Ninjutsu
Sub-Classification: Secret Technique
Rank: B
Element: Mokuton
Class: Supplementary
Range: Short
Hand seals:
Description: Through the use of this technique, the user is capable of calling planks forth from the ground to converge into a dwelling of the user’s choosing. The dwelling resembles an actual house, complete with rooms, doors, floors, and everything else a normal home would consist of… making the user a PRIME carpenter in every sense of the word… LOTS of money to be made with this technique. And aside from the technique’s… economical leverage… the house serves as a structure crafted from Mokuton, thus giving the user a solid advantage against anyone else in there since Mokuton can be used to manipulate the entire house after it is erected.

Name: Jukai Koutan (Birth of Dense Woodland)
Classification: Ninjutsu
Sub-Classification: Secret Technique
Rank: S
Element: Mokuton
Class: Supplementary/Offense/Defense
Range: Short - Medium - Long
Hand seals:
Description: Through the use of this technique, the user can cause a HUGE growth of trees and branches to grow from the ground and be manipulated in any way he wants… usually being used to restrict and crush the target. This technique is very chakra costly and has a huge area of effect. A single use could be enough to create an entire forest.




Misc Jutsu
Character History and RP Sample

History: Zenaku was raised in Iwagakure after his parents were killed in a brutal battle. In his early age he found it difficult interacting with people after witnessing the acts of men in dealing with others. He noticed that he was different than the other shinobi there. Noone wanted anything to do with him and as the years passed he began to wonder why he even stayed there. There were a few shinobi that worked hard to guide him in the right direction. Although it moved him towards the right direction it gave him purpose. If he grew strong then he wouldn't have to care what people thought. Strength can change the way a person is treated and that's what Zen desired.

He endured much training having failed to qualify for the chuunin exams once due to overconfidence. He took every defeat as a chance to improve and grow in skill. He was ready to take the exams again but with a more mature attitude. He'd grown to know and understand that it took more than power in order to become a powerful shinobi. Strategy needed to be used as well. During the time before the chuunin exams he worked constantly with higher ranking shinobi. His focus was to determine what experienced ninja would do in certain no win scenarios. Retraining how one thinks however took not only hard work but dedication. It meant giving up old habits in order to adopt new ones.

In his time of preparation he met a girl by the name of Obumi from another village. Not knowing where she was from she was the first person to ever show genuine kindness to him. They shared a sort of love hate type relationship. She would constantly mess with Zen to try and drive him crazy yet honestly wanted the best for him. When he was undergoing the training to strategizing she helped him to understand the value of others lives. Just because a situation looks like the best logical decision doesn't mean it's the correct one. In the time leading up to the chuunin exams they grow close in a short amount of time. Tragedy strikes though during one of their training sessions.

They were in a forest outside of the village after hours without permission pushing each others limits. It was a cool night in the middle of fall. The moon above took the appearance of a festive moon. It appeared to have a yellow tint to it as clouds partially encased it. The two young shinobi were practicing speed tests rushing as fast as they could through the dark forest. Obumi was running ahead of Zen as she was faster than he was teasing him for being so slow. They were going deeper into the forest than they had ever gone before. As Obumi runs ahead a large bush lies ahead of them as she erupts through the bush only to be horrified. Nothing lay beyond the bush but a steep cliff. Rushing out and sliding across the ground he reaches for her. He reached for her as she reached back for his hand missing it barely.

The young kunoichi made complete eye contact with him as she fell out of his sight to the doom below. Zen holds his upper torso and right hand reaching at nothing as he goes into shock at what he'd just witnessed. He'd never seen anyone die, let alone a fellow shinobi and friend. The next morning a scouting team finds Zen and brings him back to the village as well as recovers Obumi's lifeless body. The only one who had shown kindness to him ended up being taken away from him. He cursed his lack of skill and went into a deep depression. Several shinobi mentors tried to snap Zen out of it but it was only the words of the Tsuchikage that reached his heart. It helped him to appreciate that everyone makes mistakes and at one time or another everyone was weak. He was given a choice. Either to stay stuck in the past and mistakes, or look forward and proceed to take the chuunin exams. After much time and thought he decides to move on but always to remember what he'd lost due to his weakness.

Chuunin Arc

Zenaku participated in the chuunin exams for the second time, and passed. He was contacted shortly after by high ranking members of Iwagakure village. They wanted to test his abilities to see if Chuunin was a sufficient rank for him. They asked him to participate in testing of his strange and unique abilities in manipulating and creating wood. He was placed in a group to train with 7 members of anbu. The leaders wanted to make him a powerful weapon to use against other villages. A full year passed with this intense training.

The training included exposure to extreme conditions over long periods of time and intensity. He would have to endure multiple attacks from Low to Mid ranking Jutsu of all elements. Time and again he felt as if his body was going to break but it held steady surviving each assault. He was also ordered to survive for a month in a area comparable to the forest of death without weapons. After the elaspsed that amount of time he was approached by a old shinobi who claimed to be the one who originally took him to konoha offering information about his true identity. His mother was of the Senju clan and his father was of the Mibu clan.

They both fled their villages to try to live in peace from the warring lands. They were caught in the middle of a battle and killed as a result. Zen had heard all of this before but something new was revealed by the stranger. Zen's parents weren't killed by the people fighting in the wars. They were worn down by the enemy groups but were killed by konoha shinobi. Zen's mother left with his father against orders from Konoha where she was born and therefore eliminated. Trying to protect his mother Zen's father was dealt with first before her eyes and she was murdered immediately after. The old man was, in fact a friend of both of them but there was nothing that he could do. After hearing the truth Zen resolved to get stronger to kill those responsible for his loss of his parents. He vowed to destroy the village hidden in the leaves one day but as it stood, he wasn't strong enough. He proceeded to carry out mission after mission often by himself becoming well known in the world of shinobi before getting recognition enough to rank up.


Upon gaining the rank of Jounin, Zenaku continued to perform various dangerous missions. Although he was born an senju he wasn't raised as one but he mastered his mokuton abilities fully just the same bringing him to the rank and ability to perform effectively as a ranked shinobi. The missions themselves are all deemed classified but included but weren't limited to assassinations, intel gathering, and defending kages. He'd worked hard and were given young genin to train and mentor making a few of them greatly learn in order to give them purpose in life. Among his travels he had the opportunity to endulge in many missions for the honor and glory of Iwa. One such mission involved a rescue of a Iwa shinobi named Natsu from the land of snow.

He had to gather information from the towns of the land of snow to locate what prison she was in. Upon finding the the place in question he was shocked to find that the gates of the prison was left wide open and there were trails of blood as well. This put him on high guard as he entered the complex. As he made his was through the prison he located and released the shinobi known as Natsu. He couldnt' quite place why, but this kunoichi reminded him of his childhood friend Obumi. He shook off any distractions to himself and continued with the mission. As they made their way out he found what caused so much trouble when he arrived. It was a creature that looked like a large grounded bird crossed with a werewolf. A complete and utter freak of nature.

A fight ensued allowing him to see the kunoichi's powerful kekkei genkai first hand. Using a powerful katon jutsu she effectively eliminated the beast but failed to see the other two behind her which Zen dealt with. Upon completing the extraction he returned to Iwagakure to find it completely destroyed and the Tsuchikage dead. Upon looking at the situation of Iwa, Zen decided to attempt to fill in the void left in Iwagakure and restore his village to it's former glory. his current situation. Due to his elemental control he came to be known as "Zenaku of the Dark Forest". After the untimely death of the former Tsuchikage Zenaku was praised and named the new Tsuchikage.



RP Sample:
Zenaku endured harsh training in order to hone his skills as a shinobi. One of his trainers looked down on him as he attempted to understand the ways of shinobi. Remembering, he looks up at his sensei and speaks Sensei? Zenaku, i've told you time and again to call me by my name. Ryutachi Gohondo. Now What is it? I'm ready for my test.

Zen watches as Ryutachi rises and grins with a nod. BEGIN! Zen jumps to his feet attempting to swing a kunai at Ryutachi's midsection. Ryu easily evades the attack and kicks zen in the solarplexes knocking the wind out of him for a second as zen drops to one knee. Darnit! In a rage zen rushes towards ryu again as ryu easily dodges every attempt on him before catching zen offguard with a submission move. Do you give up? Zen sulking. Yes i surrender. Ryu pats him on the head and grins saying these words. If you don't control yourself and your anger you will never become a true shinobi....

Don't take it so hard. I'm only tough on you because i believe you have alot of potential and i want to see you fulfill that potential. Zen looks up at him with a slight grin and gets ready to speak as a noise is heard behind him. Ryu pushes zen to the ground. MOVE! As zen hits the ground a flurry of senbon strike the tree he was just standing in front of. Completely off guard zens eyes dance around looking for his attacker as Ryu's hand stretches out in front of zen. Get behind me. Zen getting up frantically attempts to move forward as a figure appears in front of them both wearing a unknown headband on his head. The shinobi stands 6' tall with a spear on his back with unique design on it. All of these details feed into zens eyes just as something catches his eyes.!?!?!?! Zen looks completely confused as he notices the exact same tattoo on the unknown shinobi's arm that's on zens own arm except black instead of white. Ryu, who's already in a ready stance releases a intimidating wave of chakra causing zen to step back in shock as this being the first time he'd seen Ryu like this. What do you want?! And who are you?!

The shinobi speaks with a chilling voice. It doesn't matter who i am, but i'm here for the boy. I'm only going to ask once before i have to TAKE him by force. The Senju child. As he speaks he takes out his spear gripping it in one hand. Beginning to feel the thrill of a worthy fight Ryu forms a few katas as the shinobi gets in a defensive stance kage bushin no jutsu!. Two exact copies of Ryu appear and rush zen through the forest towards the village. Being carried zen yells out. No! I want to stay! Let me go! Zen's yells are ignored by the obidient bushin as Ryu squares off with the shinobi. The shinobi looks at Ryu with a sigh. You do know he can't hide don't you? We'll find him no matter where he goes. Ryu cracks his neck and begins to circle the enemy. That may be so, but you'll have to get through me first.

The tension in the air continues as the enemy grins then instantaneously rushes at Ryu with a forward thrust of his spear. Ryu, barely evades the thrust as he sidesteps and pivots on one foot bringing his other leg around for a roundhouse to the enemies head as he ducks beneath the kick. As the kick misses the enemy reaches behind his back grasping a kunai pulling the spear in his right hand back a bit swings his kunai at the exposed Ryu stabbing his across the stomach. Ryu bursts into a cloud of smoke and a wooden log as the enemy grins. Not bad.The enemy turns around looking for Ryu amongst the wooded area not daring to move from his spot in full defensive posture. Moments later a swirling sound can be heard in the air as the enemy turns quickly to see a large shuriken shuriken made of wood flying towards him. Spinning his spear to deflect the projectile he makes contact with the shuriken only for it to splinter off into a large amount of wooden poisonous senbon flying in every direction. What?! At such a close range the enemy is hit with a few of the senbon as Ryu appears a distance away grinning. You've been poisoned by a toxin found in the land of fire. This toxin will attack your nervous system and your respitory system. Though it's not fatal right now, it'll definitely hinder you greatly in this fight. Now tell me! What do you want with Zenaku?!

The enemy makes no sound as he bursts into a cloud of smoke leaving a large wooden piece where he once stood. Oh no! Looking around cautiously Ryu steps forward as the enemy appears behind him laughing. You're very skilled with alot of tricks up your sleeve i see. I'll leave the boy for the moment but know this, others will come soon enough. Train him well, otherwise he won't be much fun. Stepping back Ryu glares at the enemy. What the hell are you talking about!? The enemy makes a sigh. I suppose i can tell you this much. An order has been issued to bring the child to a certain person. I thought he was hiding his strength initially so i attacked. Now, however i realize that he's got a long way to go yet. I bet he hasn't even awakened his kekkei genkai yet. I want to fight him when he's stronger so i'm leaving him alone for the moment

The enemy forms a kata and begins to fade into the wind leaving these words. Others won't have as much honor as i do but remember my name. It's Gilgimesh Ryohu and next time we meet. You die. Ryu stands on guard listening to every word of Gilgimesh as he vanishes from the area with all signs of his chakra gone and then thinks for a second. Ryu thinks to himself "Zenaku.....can't be an senju...can he?"

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