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ryo new char  Welcom12

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Naruto Land
ryo new char  Welcom12

Welcome to please enjoy your stay and register today. Here you can Role play with one of the best rpg systems on the web! You can also View all the Naruto videos, read all the manga, talk about Naruto, other anime, and much much more! Join us today and begin your Adventure.
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ryo new char  Welcom13
It all started with a dream, it then became a prophecy and today it is a legacy. When the sage of the sixth path discovered ninjutsu, a curse was unleashed in this world. The Sage of the sixth path then had a dream to restore peace and give sanctuary to this cursed world. He died and the dream to restore peace became a prophecy. A Old toad once said as he looks at his crystal orb, " One day two child will meet each other this Childs are the Childs of prophecy " they will be the one to restore peace. The old sage also had said that the Sannin with white hair would travel around the world in search of peace. He was correct he found one of the child from the prophecy his name was nagato. Years later the second child of the prophecy was found his name was naruto uzmaki. Both had a dream that became prophecy, Their goal and only dream was to restore peace. Nagato believed peace could be found by pain, he believed that he could restore peace by controlling people with pain and soon peace would be restore and the people would even adapt to the pain and soon the world would be a peaceful place. It was the death of yahiko and his parent that change his heart his heart was cover in darkness and in pain. In the other hand the second child naruto uzumaki believed peace could be found if people could understand each other, he fallow the prophecy of his sensei the sannin with white hair Jiraiya. On one unlucky day the leaf village was attack by Nagato, and completely destroy both child fought in this battle field and nagato 6 body of pain were destroy by Naruto, once they had met face to face naruto believes to obtain peace change nagato allowing him to restore peace, doing so nagato sacrifice his life to restore the life of all the people he killed in that very day and moment. It was not soon that this prophecy became a Legacy pass from generation to generation and today peace is yet to be found is naruto the hero of this world or will this legacy continue or will you rest on the hands of Naruto Uzumaki. -The only way to restore peace is for everyone to understand each other - Will the legacy of darkness ever end? Will you be the one to find peace? Is the only way to restore peace is to kill all the standing member of Akatsuki and recover the tailed beast placing them once again in the hands of good? You be the judge, write your own destiny. Good or Evil, you be the judge!
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Ryo Aokawa

Ryo Aokawa

Posts : 167
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Join date : 2010-09-24

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PostSubject: ryo new char    ryo new char  Icon_minitimeThu Oct 21, 2010 5:23 pm

:: Basic Information ::

Name: kyo
Gender: male
Zodiac Sign:
Birth Date: 10.7
Blood Type: a
Weight: 10 stone
Rank: sanin
Village: leaf

:: Character Looks and Personality ::


Attire: no all in pic


kyo is a very chatey man , he could talk to any one and any one that wanted to talk to him , he is one off them people that you could sit there and have a really long chat with , he was all way like that ever since he was a boy , he talked his brother the kage for about 3 hours, as ryo looked up to his brother so much and wanted to be just like him he started to talk like him , he wanted people to look up to him , but since he had become a sanin he was not like that no more

kyo is a happy person and most the time he is anyway but if some one does some thing he does not like he will say some thing no matter what kyo is a active person he like to go for a run every day , and goes thing around the village to get stronger he will kill any one if he had to and does not mind doing it

:: Character Clan ::

Name of Clan: hyuga Clan
Clan Ability: Byakugan
Relationship in Clan: leader main house
Character Ability: Byakugan
:: Character Weapons ::

2 swords


Character History and RP Sample


when i was born it was on a hot sunny day and the sky was blue and the air blowing on my head ,
i was born into a family with one chilled that kid would one day become the strong and powerful Raikage but for now he was a 1 year old boy ,my mother got pregnant after a few weeks off given birth to her first baby , she did not plan on that happening she was a good mother but she was not looking to have another baby till her first born was about 4 years off age , so she was not that happy about it but she would look after it none off the leas

after some years i ran away from my mother and dad
kyo wanted to get away from the village a go around the world with his friend but things do not allway turn out the right way a year after he left he was about 9 year of age his friend and him went there own ways kyo went to a village close to the hidden cloud he mite had seen him mum and dad again but that did not happen it would be some year befor he seen them again

anyway me and my brother had a word so one day when we meet again we will know that where lying so we could mett up one day anyway , i wen to stay with an old that was close to the village . he was a jonin and he trained me on ninjutsu and taijutsu
we would train every day he is a user i do not know if it was from my mums side or my dads side but it did not matter he loved it ,the old man even got a techer to train him on his Byakugan so he would be strong he was a master at Byakugan

when i was 16 i felt the old man house he was like a dad he did every thing and the old man even came with me we both moved to the leaf there was no poin going to kumo his brother and family all died , so kyo and the old made made the long wal to the leaf village

1 year latter kyo was a jounin, he went on b ranks and he did it so easy
so they moved it up to a A rank but that was easy , kyo got a new master he was on off the best and in know time kyo was beating him and every thing. not long after that i was pulled into a rum and great member of the village cam in the room they said that i was one of the most stronges ninjas in the leaf so they made him sanin of the village it was one off the best thing to be in the hole village by this time kyo was 19 now he is 25

RP Sample:

his is one off my topics in a nother naruto rp

i had just got out off bed that day i could fell that i was happy i was none stop thinking abou this day it was hard for me to sleep, thinking about how cool it was going to be to be in the academy , it was the same one that my mum and dad where at so many good time's they said they had to me

i was thinking about how good it was going to be when i was there would i make friend's there and how many ....

so many thing's where going through jat's head that day. and so it should have been , the beast time off a ninja is in there first year of ninja school

jay got out off bed and said to him mother that it was his time to shine with a smile on his face and walked out the door , his mother started to laught in a good way she was so proud that her lil boy was going to the academy where so many thing's would happen

when jay got there, there where so many people it was there first day as well and they where talking about how they where going to be the next hokage and all this rubish i walked over to so of my friend's and some new people and stated to talk we where all waiting for the teacher to come in and train us, i did not know what he was doing but it was a long time , i sitted down and waited to see what would happen

"Hi!" Hanabi grinned brightly as she skipped into the room filled with academy students, "Nice to meet you all! My name's Hanabi Takahisha and I'll be teaching you today!"
Beaming at the class, Hanabi skipped over to the board and wrote three words on it, "Cloning", "Substitution" and "Transformation".
Turning back to the class, Hanabi grinned broadly, "Who can tell me about these jutsu?"

i looked at the door waiting to see if it was a boy or a girl that would be training us , the door opened it was a girl that was cool as girl's are more kind men would tell you how bad you where doing and not help you

jay looked at her she started to skipp up to the bored and started to put somethng there about some jutsu we where going to do , then she started to talk she said "Nice to meet you all! My name's Hanabi Takahisha and I'll be teaching you today!"

she put on the bored
Cloning", "Substitution" and "Transformation"
she then said "Who can tell me about these jutsu?"

i put up my hand and said they are all jutsu that can help a ninja on day to day misson's, there the first jutsu that some one will train for

"Exactly!" Hanabi beamed at Jay, jumping up and don excitedly. Turning to the rest of the class, she plastered a smile on her face,
"The three basic jutsu all work on chakra manipulation. Chakra is essential to even the most basic jutsu; it is a mixture of the physical energy present in every cell of the body and the spiritual energy gained from exercise and experience. Once mixed, it can be channeled through the chakra circulatory system, which is to chakra as the regular circulatory system is to blood, to any of the 361 chakra points in the body. Through various methods, the most common of which is hand seals, the chakra can then be manipulated to create an effect that would not be possible otherwise, such as walking on water." Hanabi took a breath and continued; she'd memorised the information on the basic jutsu before entering the academy in Konoha, and still remembered all of it by heart. "The three basic jutsu are cloning, substitution and transformation. Shadow Clones are actual copies of the user, not illusions. The user's chakra is evenly distributed among every clone, giving each clone an equal fraction of the user's overall power. The clones are capable of performing jutsu on their own and can even bleed, but will usually disperse after one or two solid blows. They can also disperse on their own. The clones will be created in roughly the same condition as the original. Unlike other clone techniques, they can't be detected by the Byakugan because the clones have the exact same amount of chakra and aren't made from any other substance, making them indistinguishable from the actual person. You need to focus your chakra and visulised yourself standing next to you, imagining every detail about you, and sending your chakra into that space until that image manifests itself."

Smiling at the class, Hanabi circled the word "Cloning" on the board and grinned, "Do I have any volunteers to come and try it out?"

jay put up is hand as fast as he could ' and called out me, he was thinking how his mum and dad where going to happy with him jumping into the training .

jay ran up to the top off the class and put his hand together and brang in chakra with a poff there was a people that looked like Hanabi there was 2 off them

Last edited by Ryo Aokawa on Sun Nov 07, 2010 6:01 am; edited 8 times in total
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Ryo Aokawa

Ryo Aokawa

Posts : 167
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Join date : 2010-09-24

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PostSubject: Re: ryo new char    ryo new char  Icon_minitimeTue Oct 26, 2010 3:25 pm

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Posts : 1602
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Join date : 2010-08-17

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PostSubject: Re: ryo new char    ryo new char  Icon_minitimeTue Oct 26, 2010 3:50 pm

Ryo Aokawa wrote:
:: Basic Information ::

Name: kyo
Gender: male
Zodiac Sign:
Birth Date: 10.7
Blood Type: a
Weight: 10 stone
Rank: sanin
Village: leaf

:: Character Looks and Personality ::

Appearance:ryo new char  Kyo

Attire: no all in pic


kyo is a very chatey man , he could talk to any one and any one that wanted to talk to him , he is one off them people that you could sit there and have a really long chat with , he was all way like that ever since he was a boy , he talked his brother the kage for about 3 hours, as ryo looked up to his brother so much and wanted to be just like him he started to talk like him , he wanted people to look up to him , but since he had become a sanin he was not like that no more

kyo is a happy person and most the time he is anyway but if some one does some thing he does not like he will say some thing no matter what kyo is a active person he like to go for a run every day , and goes thing around the village to get stronger he will kill any one if he had to and does not mind doing it

:: Character Clan ::

Name of Clan: Uchiha Clan
Clan Ability: Sharingan
Relationship in Clan:
Character Ability: Sharingan / Mangekyō Sharingan / Blaze Release

:: Character Weapons ::

2 swords


Character History and RP Sample


when i was born it was on a hot sunny day and the sky was blue and the air blowing on my head ,
i was born into a family with one chilled that kid would one day become the strong and powerful Raikage but for now he was a 1 year old boy ,my mother got pregnant after a few weeks off given birth to her first baby , she did not plan on that happening she was a good mother but she was not looking to have another baby till her first born was about 4 years off age , so she was not that happy about it but she would look after it none off the leas

after some years i ran away from my mother and dad
kyo wanted to get away from the village a go around the world with his friend but things do not allway turn out the right way a year after he left he was about 9 year of age his friend and him went there own ways kyo went to a village close to the hidden cloud he mite had seen him mum and dad again but that did not happen it would be some year befor he seen them again

anyway me and my brother had a word so one day when we meet again we will know that where lying so we could mett up one day anyway , i wen to stay with an old that was close to the village . he was a jonin and he trained me on ninjutsu and taijutsu
we would train every day he is a sharingan user i do not know if it was from my mums side or my dads side but it did not matter he loved it ,the old man even got a techer to train him on his clan jutsu so he would be strong he was a master at sharingan

when i was 16 i felt the old man house he was like a dad he did every thing and the old man even came with me we both moved to kumo , i know that my brother would be there he like kumo and he was hopeing to find him there . he found got him brother and they had a long talk about there lifes they had missed so mutch of each overs life , there was so mutch to talk about

1 year latter kyo was a jounin, he went on b ranks and he did it so easy
so they moved it up to a A rank but that was easy , kyo got a new master he was on off the best and in know time kyo was beating him and every thing. not long after that i was pulled into a rum and great member of the village cam in the room they said that i was one of the most stronges ninjas in kumo and that the raiekage was him brother , that he would be a sanin of a village it was on off the best thing to be in the hole village by this time kyo was 19 now he is 22

RP Sample:

his is one off my topics in a nother naruto rp

i had just got out off bed that day i could fell that i was happy i was none stop thinking abou this day it was hard for me to sleep, thinking about how cool it was going to be to be in the academy , it was the same one that my mum and dad where at so many good time's they said they had to me

i was thinking about how good it was going to be when i was there would i make friend's there and how many ....

so many thing's where going through jat's head that day. and so it should have been , the beast time off a ninja is in there first year of ninja school

jay got out off bed and said to him mother that it was his time to shine with a smile on his face and walked out the door , his mother started to laught in a good way she was so proud that her lil boy was going to the academy where so many thing's would happen

when jay got there, there where so many people it was there first day as well and they where talking about how they where going to be the next hokage and all this rubish i walked over to so of my friend's and some new people and stated to talk we where all waiting for the teacher to come in and train us, i did not know what he was doing but it was a long time , i sitted down and waited to see what would happen

"Hi!" Hanabi grinned brightly as she skipped into the room filled with academy students, "Nice to meet you all! My name's Hanabi Takahisha and I'll be teaching you today!"
Beaming at the class, Hanabi skipped over to the board and wrote three words on it, "Cloning", "Substitution" and "Transformation".
Turning back to the class, Hanabi grinned broadly, "Who can tell me about these jutsu?"

i looked at the door waiting to see if it was a boy or a girl that would be training us , the door opened it was a girl that was cool as girl's are more kind men would tell you how bad you where doing and not help you

jay looked at her she started to skipp up to the bored and started to put somethng there about some jutsu we where going to do , then she started to talk she said "Nice to meet you all! My name's Hanabi Takahisha and I'll be teaching you today!"

she put on the bored
Cloning", "Substitution" and "Transformation"
she then said "Who can tell me about these jutsu?"

i put up my hand and said they are all jutsu that can help a ninja on day to day misson's, there the first jutsu that some one will train for

"Exactly!" Hanabi beamed at Jay, jumping up and don excitedly. Turning to the rest of the class, she plastered a smile on her face,
"The three basic jutsu all work on chakra manipulation. Chakra is essential to even the most basic jutsu; it is a mixture of the physical energy present in every cell of the body and the spiritual energy gained from exercise and experience. Once mixed, it can be channeled through the chakra circulatory system, which is to chakra as the regular circulatory system is to blood, to any of the 361 chakra points in the body. Through various methods, the most common of which is hand seals, the chakra can then be manipulated to create an effect that would not be possible otherwise, such as walking on water." Hanabi took a breath and continued; she'd memorised the information on the basic jutsu before entering the academy in Konoha, and still remembered all of it by heart. "The three basic jutsu are cloning, substitution and transformation. Shadow Clones are actual copies of the user, not illusions. The user's chakra is evenly distributed among every clone, giving each clone an equal fraction of the user's overall power. The clones are capable of performing jutsu on their own and can even bleed, but will usually disperse after one or two solid blows. They can also disperse on their own. The clones will be created in roughly the same condition as the original. Unlike other clone techniques, they can't be detected by the Byakugan because the clones have the exact same amount of chakra and aren't made from any other substance, making them indistinguishable from the actual person. You need to focus your chakra and visulised yourself standing next to you, imagining every detail about you, and sending your chakra into that space until that image manifests itself."

Smiling at the class, Hanabi circled the word "Cloning" on the board and grinned, "Do I have any volunteers to come and try it out?"

jay put up is hand as fast as he could ' and called out me, he was thinking how his mum and dad where going to happy with him jumping into the training .

jay ran up to the top off the class and put his hand together and brang in chakra with a poff there was a people that looked like Hanabi there was 2 off them

What those it says in your jutsu list [Narutopedia Navigation]

Also i'm the hokage of the leaf village, you need to ask me permission to be a sannin. Which my answer is yes you can be a sannin Very Happy

But, You don't have mangakyou sharingan -Link me to the post in which you kill another uchiha-

I'm the leader of the Uchiha clan, therefore I need the link of the training topic for the sharingans. Very Happy
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Ryo Aokawa

Ryo Aokawa

Posts : 167
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Join date : 2010-09-24

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PostSubject: Re: ryo new char    ryo new char  Icon_minitimeTue Oct 26, 2010 3:53 pm

can i not add that to my history ?
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ryo new char  Empty
PostSubject: Re: ryo new char    ryo new char  Icon_minitimeTue Oct 26, 2010 3:54 pm

Sure But i suggest you make three new topic.

Here read the clan system for number of words. Here
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Ryo Aokawa

Ryo Aokawa

Posts : 167
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Join date : 2010-09-24

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PostSubject: Re: ryo new char    ryo new char  Icon_minitimeTue Oct 26, 2010 4:14 pm

yes that clan would be a s rank .......... if i say i killed the old man that was like my dad and that he was an uchiha .....
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PostSubject: Re: ryo new char    ryo new char  Icon_minitimeTue Oct 26, 2010 4:28 pm

Ryo Aokawa wrote:
yes that clan would be a s rank .......... if i say i killed the old man that was like my dad and that he was an uchiha .....

It has to be an actual member you killed, Mean time you have the regular sharingan but you need to train the regular sharimgan.

For further question,PM me or post here. I suggest you post here incase a new member has the same question as you or you can ask Here in the matter of fact your question is good so make a new topic and I don't want to spam your character by posting here.
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Ryo Aokawa

Ryo Aokawa

Posts : 167
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Join date : 2010-09-24

ryo new char  Empty
PostSubject: Re: ryo new char    ryo new char  Icon_minitimeTue Oct 26, 2010 4:33 pm

never mind i'll have to redo it
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PostSubject: Re: ryo new char    ryo new char  Icon_minitimeTue Oct 26, 2010 4:36 pm

Not really you could just postpone this character and when you finish all your training, You kill an uchiha.

Then I can approve it. Very Happy
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PostSubject: Re: ryo new char    ryo new char  Icon_minitimeThu Oct 28, 2010 8:56 pm

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Ryo Aokawa

Ryo Aokawa

Posts : 167
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Join date : 2010-09-24

ryo new char  Empty
PostSubject: Re: ryo new char    ryo new char  Icon_minitimeSat Nov 06, 2010 7:09 pm

update on looks
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Posts : 1602
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Join date : 2010-08-17

ryo new char  Empty
PostSubject: Re: ryo new char    ryo new char  Icon_minitimeSat Nov 06, 2010 10:28 pm

Ryo Aokawa wrote:
:: Basic Information ::

Name: kyo
Gender: male
Zodiac Sign:
Birth Date: 10.7
Blood Type: a
Weight: 10 stone
Rank: sanin
Village: leaf

:: Character Looks and Personality ::

Character History and RP Sample


when i was born it was on a hot sunny day and the sky was blue and the air blowing on my head ,
i was born into a family with one chilled that kid would one day become the strong and powerful Raikage but for now he was a 1 year old boy ,my mother got pregnant after a few weeks off given birth to her first baby , she did not plan on that happening she was a good mother but she was not looking to have another baby till her first born was about 4 years off age , so she was not that happy about it but she would look after it none off the leas

after some years i ran away from my mother and dad
kyo wanted to get away from the village a go around the world with his friend but things do not allway turn out the right way a year after he left he was about 9 year of age his friend and him went there own ways kyo went to a village close to the hidden cloud he mite had seen him mum and dad again but that did not happen it would be some year befor he seen them again

anyway me and my brother had a word so one day when we meet again we will know that where lying so we could mett up one day anyway , i wen to stay with an old that was close to the village . he was a jonin and he trained me on ninjutsu and taijutsu
we would train every day he is a user i do not know if it was from my mums side or my dads side but it did not matter he loved it ,the old man even got a techer to train him on his Byakugan so he would be strong he was a master at Byakugan

when i was 16 i felt the old man house he was like a dad he did every thing and the old man even came with me we both moved to the leaf there was no poin going to kumo his brother and family all died , so kyo and the old made made the long wal to the leaf village

1 year latter kyo was a jounin, he went on b ranks and he did it so easy
so they moved it up to a A rank but that was easy , kyo got a new master he was on off the best and in know time kyo was beating him and every thing. not long after that i was pulled into a rum and great member of the village cam in the room they said that i was one of the most stronges ninjas in the leaf so they made him sanin of the village it was one off the best thing to be in the hole village by this time kyo was 19 now he is 25

RP Sample:

his is one off my topics in a nother naruto rp

i had just got out off bed that day i could fell that i was happy i was none stop thinking abou this day it was hard for me to sleep, thinking about how cool it was going to be to be in the academy , it was the same one that my mum and dad where at so many good time's they said they had to me

i was thinking about how good it was going to be when i was there would i make friend's there and how many ....

so many thing's where going through jat's head that day. and so it should have been , the beast time off a ninja is in there first year of ninja school

jay got out off bed and said to him mother that it was his time to shine with a smile on his face and walked out the door , his mother started to laught in a good way she was so proud that her lil boy was going to the academy where so many thing's would happen

when jay got there, there where so many people it was there first day as well and they where talking about how they where going to be the next hokage and all this rubish i walked over to so of my friend's and some new people and stated to talk we where all waiting for the teacher to come in and train us, i did not know what he was doing but it was a long time , i sitted down and waited to see what would happen

"Hi!" Hanabi grinned brightly as she skipped into the room filled with academy students, "Nice to meet you all! My name's Hanabi Takahisha and I'll be teaching you today!"
Beaming at the class, Hanabi skipped over to the board and wrote three words on it, "Cloning", "Substitution" and "Transformation".
Turning back to the class, Hanabi grinned broadly, "Who can tell me about these jutsu?"

i looked at the door waiting to see if it was a boy or a girl that would be training us , the door opened it was a girl that was cool as girl's are more kind men would tell you how bad you where doing and not help you

jay looked at her she started to skipp up to the bored and started to put somethng there about some jutsu we where going to do , then she started to talk she said "Nice to meet you all! My name's Hanabi Takahisha and I'll be teaching you today!"

she put on the bored
Cloning", "Substitution" and "Transformation"
she then said "Who can tell me about these jutsu?"

i put up my hand and said they are all jutsu that can help a ninja on day to day misson's, there the first jutsu that some one will train for

"Exactly!" Hanabi beamed at Jay, jumping up and don excitedly. Turning to the rest of the class, she plastered a smile on her face,
"The three basic jutsu all work on chakra manipulation. Chakra is essential to even the most basic jutsu; it is a mixture of the physical energy present in every cell of the body and the spiritual energy gained from exercise and experience. Once mixed, it can be channeled through the chakra circulatory system, which is to chakra as the regular circulatory system is to blood, to any of the 361 chakra points in the body. Through various methods, the most common of which is hand seals, the chakra can then be manipulated to create an effect that would not be possible otherwise, such as walking on water." Hanabi took a breath and continued; she'd memorised the information on the basic jutsu before entering the academy in Konoha, and still remembered all of it by heart. "The three basic jutsu are cloning, substitution and transformation. Shadow Clones are actual copies of the user, not illusions. The user's chakra is evenly distributed among every clone, giving each clone an equal fraction of the user's overall power. The clones are capable of performing jutsu on their own and can even bleed, but will usually disperse after one or two solid blows. They can also disperse on their own. The clones will be created in roughly the same condition as the original. Unlike other clone techniques, they can't be detected by the Byakugan because the clones have the exact same amount of chakra and aren't made from any other substance, making them indistinguishable from the actual person. You need to focus your chakra and visulised yourself standing next to you, imagining every detail about you, and sending your chakra into that space until that image manifests itself."

Smiling at the class, Hanabi circled the word "Cloning" on the board and grinned, "Do I have any volunteers to come and try it out?"

jay put up is hand as fast as he could ' and called out me, he was thinking how his mum and dad where going to happy with him jumping into the training .

jay ran up to the top off the class and put his hand together and brang in chakra with a poff there was a people that looked like Hanabi there was 2 off them

This is messy, their is a big spoiler in the top. Please edit this.
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Ryo Aokawa

Ryo Aokawa

Posts : 167
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Join date : 2010-09-24

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PostSubject: Re: ryo new char    ryo new char  Icon_minitimeSun Nov 07, 2010 6:03 am

done and it is his looks
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PostSubject: Re: ryo new char    ryo new char  Icon_minitimeSun Nov 07, 2010 9:18 am

Ryo Aokawa wrote:
:: Basic Information ::

Name: kyo
Gender: male
Zodiac Sign:
Birth Date: 10.7
Blood Type: a
Weight: 10 stone
Rank: sanin
Village: leaf

:: Character Looks and Personality ::


Attire: no all in pic


kyo is a very chatey man , he could talk to any one and any one that wanted to talk to him , he is one off them people that you could sit there and have a really long chat with , he was all way like that ever since he was a boy , he talked his brother the kage for about 3 hours, as ryo looked up to his brother so much and wanted to be just like him he started to talk like him , he wanted people to look up to him , but since he had become a sanin he was not like that no more

kyo is a happy person and most the time he is anyway but if some one does some thing he does not like he will say some thing no matter what kyo is a active person he like to go for a run every day , and goes thing around the village to get stronger he will kill any one if he had to and does not mind doing it

:: Character Clan ::

Name of Clan: hyuga Clan
Clan Ability: Byakugan
Relationship in Clan: leader main house
Character Ability: Byakugan
:: Character Weapons ::

2 swords


Character History and RP Sample


when i was born it was on a hot sunny day and the sky was blue and the air blowing on my head ,
i was born into a family with one chilled that kid would one day become the strong and powerful Raikage but for now he was a 1 year old boy ,my mother got pregnant after a few weeks off given birth to her first baby , she did not plan on that happening she was a good mother but she was not looking to have another baby till her first born was about 4 years off age , so she was not that happy about it but she would look after it none off the leas

after some years i ran away from my mother and dad
kyo wanted to get away from the village a go around the world with his friend but things do not allway turn out the right way a year after he left he was about 9 year of age his friend and him went there own ways kyo went to a village close to the hidden cloud he mite had seen him mum and dad again but that did not happen it would be some year befor he seen them again

anyway me and my brother had a word so one day when we meet again we will know that where lying so we could mett up one day anyway , i wen to stay with an old that was close to the village . he was a jonin and he trained me on ninjutsu and taijutsu
we would train every day he is a user i do not know if it was from my mums side or my dads side but it did not matter he loved it ,the old man even got a techer to train him on his Byakugan so he would be strong he was a master at Byakugan

when i was 16 i felt the old man house he was like a dad he did every thing and the old man even came with me we both moved to the leaf there was no poin going to kumo his brother and family all died , so kyo and the old made made the long wal to the leaf village

1 year latter kyo was a jounin, he went on b ranks and he did it so easy
so they moved it up to a A rank but that was easy , kyo got a new master he was on off the best and in know time kyo was beating him and every thing. not long after that i was pulled into a rum and great member of the village cam in the room they said that i was one of the most stronges ninjas in the leaf so they made him sanin of the village it was one off the best thing to be in the hole village by this time kyo was 19 now he is 25

RP Sample:

his is one off my topics in a nother naruto rp

i had just got out off bed that day i could fell that i was happy i was none stop thinking abou this day it was hard for me to sleep, thinking about how cool it was going to be to be in the academy , it was the same one that my mum and dad where at so many good time's they said they had to me

i was thinking about how good it was going to be when i was there would i make friend's there and how many ....

so many thing's where going through jat's head that day. and so it should have been , the beast time off a ninja is in there first year of ninja school

jay got out off bed and said to him mother that it was his time to shine with a smile on his face and walked out the door , his mother started to laught in a good way she was so proud that her lil boy was going to the academy where so many thing's would happen

when jay got there, there where so many people it was there first day as well and they where talking about how they where going to be the next hokage and all this rubish i walked over to so of my friend's and some new people and stated to talk we where all waiting for the teacher to come in and train us, i did not know what he was doing but it was a long time , i sitted down and waited to see what would happen

"Hi!" Hanabi grinned brightly as she skipped into the room filled with academy students, "Nice to meet you all! My name's Hanabi Takahisha and I'll be teaching you today!"
Beaming at the class, Hanabi skipped over to the board and wrote three words on it, "Cloning", "Substitution" and "Transformation".
Turning back to the class, Hanabi grinned broadly, "Who can tell me about these jutsu?"

i looked at the door waiting to see if it was a boy or a girl that would be training us , the door opened it was a girl that was cool as girl's are more kind men would tell you how bad you where doing and not help you

jay looked at her she started to skipp up to the bored and started to put somethng there about some jutsu we where going to do , then she started to talk she said "Nice to meet you all! My name's Hanabi Takahisha and I'll be teaching you today!"

she put on the bored
Cloning", "Substitution" and "Transformation"
she then said "Who can tell me about these jutsu?"

i put up my hand and said they are all jutsu that can help a ninja on day to day misson's, there the first jutsu that some one will train for

"Exactly!" Hanabi beamed at Jay, jumping up and don excitedly. Turning to the rest of the class, she plastered a smile on her face,
"The three basic jutsu all work on chakra manipulation. Chakra is essential to even the most basic jutsu; it is a mixture of the physical energy present in every cell of the body and the spiritual energy gained from exercise and experience. Once mixed, it can be channeled through the chakra circulatory system, which is to chakra as the regular circulatory system is to blood, to any of the 361 chakra points in the body. Through various methods, the most common of which is hand seals, the chakra can then be manipulated to create an effect that would not be possible otherwise, such as walking on water." Hanabi took a breath and continued; she'd memorised the information on the basic jutsu before entering the academy in Konoha, and still remembered all of it by heart. "The three basic jutsu are cloning, substitution and transformation. Shadow Clones are actual copies of the user, not illusions. The user's chakra is evenly distributed among every clone, giving each clone an equal fraction of the user's overall power. The clones are capable of performing jutsu on their own and can even bleed, but will usually disperse after one or two solid blows. They can also disperse on their own. The clones will be created in roughly the same condition as the original. Unlike other clone techniques, they can't be detected by the Byakugan because the clones have the exact same amount of chakra and aren't made from any other substance, making them indistinguishable from the actual person. You need to focus your chakra and visulised yourself standing next to you, imagining every detail about you, and sending your chakra into that space until that image manifests itself."

Smiling at the class, Hanabi circled the word "Cloning" on the board and grinned, "Do I have any volunteers to come and try it out?"

jay put up is hand as fast as he could ' and called out me, he was thinking how his mum and dad where going to happy with him jumping into the training .

jay ran up to the top off the class and put his hand together and brang in chakra with a poff there was a people that looked like Hanabi there was 2 off them

Ryo this looks like an academy ninja character, you need to add more words and way more. Also you did not explain your appearance you said 'all in the picture'.
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